amooma / GS3

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Added PBX Network did_full hack #30

Open rkania opened 8 years ago

rkania commented 8 years ago

did_full is now set to P-Called-Party-ID (first two digits removed)

rkania commented 8 years ago

This is for "old" PBX Network contracts, which transmit the account number as ${EXTEN}. So we need to extract the correct information out of P-Called-Party-ID.

In the next days I will verify how this behaves with "new" PBX Network contracts (VOIP Trunk 2.0).

rkania commented 8 years ago

Hi! Yes, I agree. That's why I called it "hack" ;-). I will think about a better implementation, you idea is a good start.

FYI: I think PBX Network changed their trunk product again (not Teles NGN hw, afaik). I was in contact with them the last days, due to some issues when using GS 3.2 with their VoIP Trunk 2.0. Now everything is working very well; but requires another GS 3.2 patch (increase the field length of gateway username to 50). AND: the "did_full hack" isn't required anymore.

Reiner030 commented 8 years ago

a nice... yes the userid-needs@full.qualified.domain username was already there for longer time ^^ ... the NGN usecase needs some patched headers for sucessfull forwarding calls with the correct number / when you want to be anonymous... I must see if I can find in my history / one possible ... yes, I have luck:


>           // HACK ClipNoScreening
>           // cid_host is ""
>           SIPAddHeader(P-Preferred-Identity: ${CALLERID(name)} <sip:${r_${r}_cid}@${r_${r}_cid_host}>);
>           // HACK ClipNoScreening


>           // HACK Flex-O CLIR
>                         if (!${REGEX("flexode" ${r_${r}_dial:-12})} ) {
>               Set(CALLERID(num-pres)=prohib_passed_screen);
>               Set(CALLERID(name-pres)=prohib_passed_screen);
>           }
>                         // /HACK Flex-O CLIR

... but this should be separate patch requests :)