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Self-evaluation is ready! #5

Open amoose20 opened 1 year ago

amoose20 commented 1 year ago

@pawaitemadisoncollege attached is my self-evaluation, mark down pasted below as well file attached.

Ent Java Self-Evaluation

Criteria Not started or progressing yet Making progress Meets expectations Exemplary
Explanation of scale Not enough information is present in the work to determine whether there is understanding of the concepts. This might mean we haven't covered the topic yet, work is incomplete, or work contains too many issues to justify correcting each one. Partial understanding of the concepts is evident, but some significant gaps remain. Needs more work. Understanding of the concepts is evident through correct work, and clear documentation. Some revision or expansion might be needed, but no significant gaps or errors are present. Work meets or exceeds the expectations. A high level of proficiency with the concepts is evident. Work could be used as a classroom example.
Industry best practices Best practices for commenting, code structure, documentation, git and github have all been an important focus for this course in addition to all of the programming courses I have taken at MATC.
Documentation In terms of the indie project, need to be more proficient at updating the timeLog, weekly reflections, and plan on time.
Build and Deploy I routinely complete the weekly exercises and labs and feel confident in my ability to add the proper maven goals and configurations to get applications built and deployed.
Unit Testing Gaining confidence in creating and using unit tests. Successfully completed associated labs, exercises, and implementing in indie project but still feel like I can improve on my Test-driven Development abilities.
Security - Authentication/Authorization Completed the exercise successfully, but have not been able to successfully implement in my indie project and may need some assistance getting this functioning properly.
Logging Framework Practiced implementing logging in the labs, exercises, and indie project. Since learning and practicing implementing logging, I can confidently use logging to help with troubleshooting issues/errors while coding.
Produce Web Services Haven't covered yet
Consume Web Services Have used and implemented consuming Web Services in my indie project and the exercise. Still need to make progress towards using the Web Service's responses to create an fully developed application
Git and GitHub I am independently using git and github, additionally, I feel confident in my ability to search the github documentation to find how to do something I am not certain how to do.
Asynchronous messaging Have we covered this yet..?
Object relational mapping - JPA/Hibernate Hibernate has been an excellent tool to learn, have completed associated exercises and labs but still feel like I am only scratching the surface with using Hibernate.
Patterns such as Data Access Objects (DAO) Have completed associated labs and exercises, still feel there is more to learn in this category.
Debug and troubleshoot independently I feel much more confident in my ability to debug and troubleshoot independently with the progress I have made implementing logging and setting breakpoints throughout the exercises and project work. Also, IntelliJ is excellent at identifying errors and helping correct them. By using IntelliJ more I believe my ability to debug and troubleshoot is greatly improved.
Learning process reflection and improvement I always feel I can make improvements in this category. However, the progress I have made so far in learning the new material from videos, labs, and exercises and implementing those concepts into my indie project has shown an competency in learning process/reflection
Collaboration/Teamwork We are just beginning the team project, so I will have more to add here later this semester. Otherwise, posting on the class slack and working with other students on other work has always been positive and insightful
Feedback - giving and receiving I believe I put thoughtful effort into peer reviews and helping others. I also always thoroughly review and implement changes based on feedback from Paula as well as peers.
Other? Is anything missing?
pawaitemadisoncollege commented 1 year ago

Hi @amoose20 Your self-evaluation level selections and comments are on target: accurately representing where you are in the ent java journey and what you need to progress. I think there are a few areas that would benefit from even more evidence/examples:

Industry best practices could also include: DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) in java code and JSPs, using properties over hard-coding, properly using javabeans and expression language, and separation of concerns - ui stuff in the jsps, logic in the java code, small, single-purpose methods, abstracting similar functionality in way similar to the generic dao.

Build and deploy also consider deployment to AWS.

Git and GitHub could also include working in a team environment (not only the student repo, but also collaborating on the team project), branching could be an important concept with the team project and even on your own project: using branches for features, rather than always working on main.

Moving forward, I recommend reviewing this document regularly (bi-weekly?) and try to add at least one brief example or summary of how your level of achievement has progressed in a category or two. I will try to highlight opportunities related to this as well.

Keep up the solid work!

amoose20 commented 1 year ago

@pawaitemadisoncollege here is an updated self-evaluation file. I went through my original self-eval and added a few notes to some of the fields, with the original material still in this updated file, I hope that is what you were looking for!

Ent Java Self-Evaluation

Criteria Not started or progressing yet Making progress Meets expectations Exemplary
Explanation of scale Not enough information is present in the work to determine whether there is understanding of the concepts. This might mean we haven't covered the topic yet, work is incomplete, or work contains too many issues to justify correcting each one. Partial understanding of the concepts is evident, but some significant gaps remain. Needs more work. Understanding of the concepts is evident through correct work, and clear documentation. Some revision or expansion might be needed, but no significant gaps or errors are present. Work meets or exeeds the expectations. A high level of proficiency with the concepts is evident. Work could be used as a classroom example.
Industry best practices Best practices for commenting, code structure, documentation, git and github have all been an important focus for this course in addition to all of the programming courses I have taken at MATC. Need to continue practicing creating organized code and project directories.
Documentation In terms of the indie project, need to be more proficient at updating the timeLog, weekly reflections, and plan on time. I think I have improved here; I have made a conscious effort to always update the TimeLog file each time I do some work in the indie project.
Build and Deploy I routinely complete the weekly exercises and labs and feel confident in my ability to add the proper maven goals and configurations to get applications built and deployed.
Unit Testing Gaining confidence in creating and using unit tests. Successfully completed associated labs, exercises, and implementing in indie project but still feel like I can improve on my Test-driven Development abilities.
Security - Authentication/Authorization Completed the exercise successfully, but have not been able to successfully implement in my indie project and may need some assistance getting this functioning properly. User login is still not fully functional but it is closer to being complete, some troubleshooting is needed.
Logging Framework Practiced implementing logging in the labs, exercises, and indie project. Since learning and practicing implementing logging, I can confidently use logging to help with troubleshooting issues/errors while coding.
Produce Web Services With the team-project complete, I feel much more confident in my ability to create web services. While I feel I have met the expectations, I also feel like I am just scratching the surface of developing web services and creating API's.
Consume Web Services Have used and implemented consuming Web Services in my indie project and the exercise. Still need to make progress towards using the Web Service's responses to create an fully developed application I have continued to work with the API in my indie project as well as other web services for other courses. I feel I am making good progress in the area.
Git and GitHub I am independently using git and github, additionally, I feel confident in my ability to search the github documentation to find how to do something I am not certain how to do. Continuing to build on my ability to work with others using Github with the branching practice activity as well as the team-project.
Asynchronous messaging Have we covered this yet..?
Object relational mapping - JPA/Hibernate Hibernate has been an excellent tool to learn, have completed associated exercises and labs but still feel like I am only scratching the surface with using Hibernate.
Patterns such as Data Access Objects (DAO) Have completed associated labs and exercises, still feel there is more to learn in this category.
Debug and troubleshoot independently I feel much more confident in my ability to debug and troubleshoot independently with the progress I have made implementing logging and setting breakpoints throughout the exercises and project work. Also, IntelliJ is excellent at identifying errors and helping correct them. By using IntelliJ more I believe my ability to debug and troubleshoot is greatly improved.
Learning process reflection and improvement I always feel I can make iprovements in this category. However, the progress I have made so far in learning the new material from videos, labs, and exercises and implementing those consepts into my indie project has shown an comptency in learning process/reflection
Collaboration/Teamwork We are just beginning the team project, so I will have more to add here later this semester. Otherwise, posting on the class slack and working with other students on other work has always been positive and insightful After completing the team project I feel my ability to collaborate has improved. We worked together to come up with an idea and while we had to make some adjustments along the way, we pushed the project across the finish line. I definitely think we could have made improvements to our process and the service in general but we worked together to complete the tasks presented to us which I think is a positive nontheless.
Feedback - giving and receiving I believe I put thoughtful effort into peer reviews and helping others. I also always thoroughly review and implement changes based on feedback from Pauala as well as peers.
Other? Is anything missing?
pawaitemadisoncollege commented 1 year ago

Hi @amoose20 ! I think your updates accurately reflect your level of proficiency with the Ent Java key concepts. As you complete a final version of this over the next couple weeks, work to identify specific examples to add support to your levels. This can be done with a short blurb and perhaps links to some examples right in GitHub and/or a reference to how you helped somebody else with the concept in Slack. For each criteria, think: "What are one or two examples that clearly demonstrate how I hit the "meets expectations" mark?"

I've been impressed with your work this semester and you should be very proud of yourself - keep up that excellent effort!