amorenew / alps_uhf_flutter

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[QUESTION] Chainway UHF #1

Closed marianoarga closed 4 years ago

marianoarga commented 4 years ago

Hello, are you able to make a plugin for Chaiway C72 UHF RFID reader?

Thank you.

amreniouinnovent commented 4 years ago

@marianoarga This plugin is not universal support for UHF fore each SDK it requires 2 to 3 full working days to make it perfect As I see this link is your SDK

The steps I used to convert the Native SDK to Plugin:

1-Make a helper class to separate the SDK logic into simple and clean functions like my UHFHelper

2-Map the helper to functions in the java plugin

3-Listeners I used channels and RXJava for publishing to the channel.

progaze commented 4 years ago

I also asking for C72 plugin, can you make it available like this one?

amreniouinnovent commented 4 years ago

@progaze I made the current plugin in the daily job and I share it on Github You could use it as a guideline to convert any similar SDK It would take me 16 hours to convert C72 but I will not use it at all as it is not related to my job