amoslanka / notify

A Rails engine to manage user notifications
MIT License
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Find better terminology to use for classes representing the common patterns being used #1

Open amoslanka opened 9 years ago

amoslanka commented 9 years ago

I think there is better terminology to find for "NotificationType" and for "Translator"

Rename notification types to strategies.

Rename translators to adapters.

Though perhaps proxy is the truest description of what translators/adapters are doing:

A proxy, in its most general form, is a class functioning as an interface to something else.

These don't tightly fit the pattern descriptions but are clearer, don't clog the "notification" namespace and in the case of adapter, is a kinder sounding word.

amoslanka commented 9 years ago

Is the group of settings that determine how a notification is delivered better referred to as a set of rules or as a strategy?

amoslanka commented 9 years ago

Potential app/notifications dir:


Namespaces for any of these suck because in these directories they shouldn't have Notify as the namespace.

Would be better as?

      # class FooNotification; extend Notify::Strategy; end
        # class Notify::Adapter::ActionMailer; extend Notify::Adapter; end
        # class Notify::Adapter::Push; extend Notify::Adapter; end
        # class Notify::Policy::UserPreference; extend Notify::Policy; end
amoslanka commented 9 years ago


A strategy is an object that lives in app/notifications and is named <name>Notification. It extends Notify::Strategy, which defines the class methods available for defining strategy rules.

A notification should compose an ActiveRecord object Notify::Message, referring to it as record and delegating some instance actions to it. There should be no more Notifications namespace for Notify's models.

So a message is a model, not actually containing the message body, but representing a message being sent to a receiver and having attributes describing what the message is about. A Notification is a class that is defined by the user of the library, and contains a strategy, which is a subset of methods on the notification that outline how the message is delivered. An instantiated notification object is not an ActiveRecord object, but is more presentable than the Notify::Message or Notify::Delivery, since an instantiation composes a message and one or more deliveries.

You can create a notification by saying FooNotification.send_to users

You can still create a notification by saying Notify.create to: users, which will look up the strategy and delegate the parameters to it.

You can still create a notification by saying user.notify :foo, which similarly maps to the correct notification strategy.

Retrieving a list of notifications for a receiver is still retrieving an ActiveRecord::Relation, but by calling present on the relation or on an instance will instantiate and return the strategy with a reference to the record. This is how a coder might retrieve a list of notifications to render on a list of notifications the user has received.

At this point, the notification strategy is responsible the full process of creation and delivery. It should delegate each step to a class referenced object responsible for the task. (This is currently done in Notify.create).

This would be four main steps to creating a notification:

  1. merge rulesets
  2. create the record
  3. create the deliveries
  4. execute the deliveries

The logic (ignoring for the moment the Strategy module and use of the term as a definition of notification delivery rules) for each (save, perhaps, the strategy merge) could be referenced differently per notification type. Each step could be a particular algorithm out of a selection of algorithms to carry out the task.

Strategy instance methods

amoslanka commented 9 years ago