amosproj / amos2021ss07-bike-nest

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Dummy Transaction #141

Open JodelLisa2Point0 opened 3 years ago

JodelLisa2Point0 commented 3 years ago

User story

  1. As a user
  2. I need to make a transaction (automated)
  3. So that I pay for my service (store time)

Acceptance criteria

Definition of done

rmandlx commented 3 years ago

The generation of the Client Token for Braintree works now on the Backend. I will merge it into the release candidate and then you should be able to use it on the frontend. The API call is just a simple get request to localhost:9000/payment/getclienttoken with the Authorization Header set to the JWT. It returns a string (no JSON) that contains the client token. It is important that you change the first three lines of /Backend/.env to the API Keys from Braintree @grunerlisa elsewise the payment service will crash.