In #62 we created the "Associated Team" custom field with a drop-down menu for selection.
It still shows no result when we try to select any teams during request creation.
The team management function is needed.
User story
As a user
I want to be able to select a team when creating a request
so that I could assign my request to a team
Acceptance criteria
the information of teams is created and stored
user can select teams when creating requests
the editing of teams could be considered in the future (nice to have)
Definition of done
Can be demoed
Fully tested with the unit test
Code well structured and formatted (hold to code conventions)
In #62 we created the "Associated Team" custom field with a drop-down menu for selection. It still shows no result when we try to select any teams during request creation. The team management function is needed.
User story
As a user I want to be able to select a team when creating a request so that I could assign my request to a team
Acceptance criteria
Definition of done