amosproj / amos2022ss06-idunion-blockchain-dashboard

IDunion Blockchain Dashboard realized by using Grafana and Indy Node-Monitor.
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 4 forks source link

Report to industry partner #16

Open codeDavidLopez opened 2 years ago

codeDavidLopez commented 2 years ago


  1. As a industry partner
  2. I want / need a status update
  3. So that the progress is communicated

Involved team members

Touched or interesting artifacs

Expected result

codeDavidLopez commented 2 years ago

Sent email with the following content: It has been a while since we have seen each other. That´s why we want to keep you updated about our progress.

In the last sprint we have managed to set up the Hyperledger stack for every developer. Furthermore, the team put some hands on Grafana and Prometeus. With the Hyperledger environment in place, the goal of the current sprint is to set up the Indy Monitor and extend the Grafana dashboard with data stored in Prometeus. The complete toolchain is challenging and we are looking forward to have the chain running smoothly soon. With the running toolchain we will be able to implement new features for analyzing and displaying information as discussed in our last meeting.

Once we have a valuable result in place, we are happy to present it. Our next milestone is the mid-project release in two weeks (~ 8th of June). In case of any questions or remarks, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stay tuned