amosproj / amos2022ws02-automotive-test-app

Android Automotive Testapp
MIT License
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Implement functionality of viewing log of recorded test drive #163

Closed i315315 closed 1 year ago

i315315 commented 1 year ago

User story

  1. As a user
  2. I want to be able to see the list of events that have been logged during a test drive
  3. So that I can see which events potentially could have led to an error in the system.

With this user story, it should be implemented that I can click on a recording in the list of previously recorded test drives. When clicking on a recording, a list of all events that occurred during the test drive should be shown.

The functionality of restarting a recording will be implemented with #164.

Acceptance criteria

Definition of done (DoD)

DoD general criteria