amosproj / amos2023ss01-apache-pulsar-ui

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Use VM to test the Scalability of our Project #145

Open phildree opened 1 year ago

phildree commented 1 year ago

User story

  1. As a User
  2. I want a well scaling software
  3. So that it can cope with my needs

Acceptance criteria

Definition of done (DoD)

DoD general criteria

jnsrnhld commented 1 year ago

@phildree @MPSebastian I was wondering why this ticket was not part of the sprint backlog - I guess we just forgot to put it there?

jnsrnhld commented 1 year ago


Amount of topics Frontend Backend Caching enabled
2500 25s 18s false
5000 40s 20s false
2500 3s 180ms true
5000 6s 200ms true

~150ms are network traffic overhead. On the same machine, querying the backend only takes 10-20ms with caching enabled.

The frontend produces a huge overhead while rendering all topics.

jnsrnhld commented 1 year ago

Rendering the topic search / bullet point list seems to be broken if the number of topics is > 2-3k. Also, request timeout is too low for the initial page buildup:
