I want a well structured UI that does not contain the same logic on different levels, which could lead to misunderstandings
So that I can easily use it to work on my apache pulsar installation
Acceptance criteria
[x] Remove the welcome page since it is no longer needed
[x] Site should now start with the cluster view (filled by our clusters after the integration)
(thanks to further inputs/requirements from our industry partner, we now wont need the input for the connection. Therefore, the welcome page is no longer necessary and its functionality is already included in the cluster view)
Definition of done (DoD)
Feature is done when the acceptance criteria are fullfiled
Feature is done when there are test where it is necessary and they pass
Feature is done when the linter passes
Feature is done when it is merged onto our main branch (after the code has been reviewed by at least one other person)
Feature is done when the code has been documentend or commented properly
User story
Acceptance criteria
(thanks to further inputs/requirements from our industry partner, we now wont need the input for the connection. Therefore, the welcome page is no longer necessary and its functionality is already included in the cluster view)
Definition of done (DoD)
DoD general criteria