Assessment of the meaningfulness of AI's deriviation of the initial user input for each field #58
The AI asks back to the FE if it needs more information. Mandatory pieces of information comprise the following:
accurate title
feasible description
type of ticket
Link to chat
The link used to prompt the user for further details should follow a logical structure (e.g. parameters as the ticket id) to allow the user to open the chat later on. The chat history should be saved, thus, always be displayed when user open the link at a later point in time.
As soon as further information are required, the link is changed in such a way it can be accessed later on.
Case 1: RequestType cannot be recognized
If the RequestType does not correspond with allowed values the user is asked explicitely: "Es tut mir sehr leid, aber leider kann ich nicht erkennen, um welchen Tickettypen es sich handelt. Ist es ein [1.] Issue oder [2.] ein Service Request?"
Case 2: Service cannot be recognized Case 2.1: AI could detect that no topic service is responsible but no location can be drawn from the database
The user is asked explicitely: "Entschuldigung, da Du leider kein Profil angelegt hast, kenne ich Deinen Standort nicht. Bitte wähle diesen aus der Liste aus und bestätige Deine Auswahl mit dem "Senden"-Button."
Then a drop-down menu with all valid service location values should be displayed, allowing the user to chose the correct one.
Then the user presses the "Senden"-Button to confirm his choice.
Case 2.2: A service has been indicated that is not defined in the possible values
The user is asked explicitely: "Entschuldigung, leider konnte ich den Service nicht erkennen. Bitte wähle diesen aus der Liste aus und bestätige Deine Auswahl mit dem "Senden"-Button. Falls sich Dein Ticket keinem Thema zuordnen lässt wähle einfach Deinen Standort aus"
Then a drop-down menu with all valid service values should be displayed, starting with topic services, then listing all location services, allowing the user to chose the correct one.
Then the user presses the "Senden"-Button to confirm his choice.
Always (after cases 1&2 in case of missing information)
The ticket is printed in table format with the question: "Das wäre Dein IT-Ticket, das ich anlegen würde. Sind die enthaltenen Informationen so korrekt?"
Below the input field two possible options should appear: "Ja, das passt für mich" and "Nein, ich möchte noch etwas anpassen".
If the user chooses "Ja, das passt für mich", the ticket is created and the following message appears: "Vielen Dank! ich habe Dein Ticket erfolgreich angelegt [dead link behind ticket]."
If the user chooses "Nein, ich möchte noch etwas anpassen", the following message appears: "Alles klar, bearbeite Dein Ticket direkt hier durch das Klicken der entsprechenden Felder und bestätige Deine Änderungen durch den "Senden"-Button.". The table should change from just being a message to editable fields of their respective kind (text fields should be able to change text freely, while fields with predefined values should once again show a drop-down menu). The user can confirm his changes via the "Senden"-Button. Upon pressing that button, the ticket is created and the following message appears: "Vielen Dank! ich habe Dein Ticket erfolgreich angelegt [dead link behind ticket]."
If after 5 minutes no choice has been made, the ticket is created automatically
If the user submitted the ticket via mail and further information is necessary, he will receive the following email as a response to his initial mail:
leider benötige noch Informationen zu Deinem Ticket. Bitte füge diese über die Talktix web app hinzu [link to webapp].
Vielen Dank!,
From then on, users who initially used email follow the same logic as users that employed the Talktix web app from the beginning.
Incomplete Tickets
Case 1: User did not engage with chatbot within the first 24 hours
If users should not provide missing information or fail to engage with the chatbot, they should receive an E-mail after 24 hours with the following content:
leider benötige noch Informationen zu Deinem Ticket. Bitte füge diese über die Talktix WebApp hinzu [link to webapp]. Wenn innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden keine weiteren Angaben gemacht werden, gehen wir davon aus, dass Deine Anfrage gelöst wurde.
Vielen Dank!,
Case 2: User did respond to chatbot at least once but not sufficient to create ticket
Incomplete ticket with at least one interaction with the chatbotare to be deleted 24 hours after the first response. Then, the user should receive an email with the following message:
leider waren wir nicht in der Lage, Dein Ticket über die Talktix WebApp innerhalb von 24 Stunden fertigzustellen. Wenn Dein Anliegen weiterhin besteht, erstelle bitte ein neues Ticket.
Viele Grüße,
Case 3: User received reminder to provide additional data (see case 1) but did not follow through within 24 hours
If the user should not provide further information within 24 hours after receiving the reminder, the preliminary ticket is to be deleted.
Acceptance criteria
[ ] Further information are required in those cases, when the predefined cases are met
[ ] link is changed in such a way it can be used later on
[ ] messages are displayed as outlined above
[ ] user is able to enter input
[ ] not valid values of ticket type & location are rejected
[ ] If users are still not successfully after entering input for exactly the 10th time, the process is aborted
[ ] e-mails are sent punctually with a time tolerance of one to two minutes
[ ] link in the email notification lead to the respective preliminary ticket
[ ] preliminary tickets can be accessed via link that follows a logical structure (id as parameter)
[ ] web app uses the same link as used in the mail when redirecting the user from the input UI to the chatbot
[ ] ticket history is saved
[ ] tickets submitted via mail receive the response as answer to the initial ticket
[ ] the right user is notified
Definition of done (DoD)
Work products are uploaded to the Github repository and merged to the main branch
If necessary, the bill of materials section of the planning documents is updated
The AI asks back to the FE if it needs more information. Mandatory pieces of information comprise the following:
Link to chat
The link used to prompt the user for further details should follow a logical structure (e.g. parameters as the ticket id) to allow the user to open the chat later on. The chat history should be saved, thus, always be displayed when user open the link at a later point in time.
As soon as further information are required, the link is changed in such a way it can be accessed later on.
Case 1: RequestType cannot be recognized If the RequestType does not correspond with allowed values the user is asked explicitely: "Es tut mir sehr leid, aber leider kann ich nicht erkennen, um welchen Tickettypen es sich handelt. Ist es ein [1.] Issue oder [2.] ein Service Request?"
Case 2: Service cannot be recognized Case 2.1: AI could detect that no topic service is responsible but no location can be drawn from the database
Case 2.2: A service has been indicated that is not defined in the possible values
Always (after cases 1&2 in case of missing information) The ticket is printed in table format with the question: "Das wäre Dein IT-Ticket, das ich anlegen würde. Sind die enthaltenen Informationen so korrekt?"
Below the input field two possible options should appear: "Ja, das passt für mich" and "Nein, ich möchte noch etwas anpassen".
If the user submitted the ticket via mail and further information is necessary, he will receive the following email as a response to his initial mail:
leider benötige noch Informationen zu Deinem Ticket. Bitte füge diese über die Talktix web app hinzu [link to webapp].
Vielen Dank!, Talktix"
From then on, users who initially used email follow the same logic as users that employed the Talktix web app from the beginning.
Incomplete Tickets
Case 1: User did not engage with chatbot within the first 24 hours If users should not provide missing information or fail to engage with the chatbot, they should receive an E-mail after 24 hours with the following content:
leider benötige noch Informationen zu Deinem Ticket. Bitte füge diese über die Talktix WebApp hinzu [link to webapp]. Wenn innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden keine weiteren Angaben gemacht werden, gehen wir davon aus, dass Deine Anfrage gelöst wurde.
Vielen Dank!, Talktix"
Case 2: User did respond to chatbot at least once but not sufficient to create ticket Incomplete ticket with at least one interaction with the chatbotare to be deleted 24 hours after the first response. Then, the user should receive an email with the following message:
leider waren wir nicht in der Lage, Dein Ticket über die Talktix WebApp innerhalb von 24 Stunden fertigzustellen. Wenn Dein Anliegen weiterhin besteht, erstelle bitte ein neues Ticket.
Viele Grüße, Talktix"
Case 3: User received reminder to provide additional data (see case 1) but did not follow through within 24 hours If the user should not provide further information within 24 hours after receiving the reminder, the preliminary ticket is to be deleted.
Acceptance criteria
Definition of done (DoD)
DoD general criteria