amosproj / amos2023ws05-pipeline-config-chat-ai

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Q[1, a - g] Query testing, optimization and verification #64

Closed AviKatziuk closed 7 months ago

AviKatziuk commented 9 months ago

User story

  1. As SDs.
  2. We want to test and improve the bot's capabilities.
  3. So that it can successfully handle a wide range of requests.

Testing week 1 queries

Q[1,a]: I would like to use RTDIP components to read from an eventhub using 'connection string' as the connection string, and 'consumer group' as the consumer group, transform using binary to string, and edge x transformer then write to delta.

Q[1,b]: I need to read data from Kafka using a specific bootstrap server and topic, then apply a JSON parser, and finally write the results to a Hive table.

Q[1,c]: Removed

Q[1,d]: Stream data from a MQTT broker, filter out readings below a threshold value, and store the data in Elasticsearch.

Q[1,e]: Import financial data from an S3 bucket in Parquet format, apply a standard scaler transformation, and then upload it to a Redshift database.

Q[1,f]: Retrieve temperature data from a REST API, normalize the data, and write it into a MongoDB collection.

Q[1,g]: Connect to a Google Cloud Storage, download logs in JSON format, conduct sentiment analysis, and then store the results in a Google BigQuery table.

Acceptance criteria

  1. Run the queries and document the given output and response speed as a comment here.
  2. Run each query in a fresh session and ensure caching is off.
  3. If you think the queries are correct, send them to Shell.
  4. If the query is incorrect, edit the RAG to improve the results.
  5. If the changes to the RAG are large enough to constitute a defined task, talk to Avi to set up one on the board.

Definition of done (DoD)

Feature DoD:

  1. Code review has been completed and code has been merged.
  2. User interaction tests pass on all major browsers.

Sprint Release DoD:

  1. Project builds, deploys, and tests successfully.

Project Release Definition of Done

  1. User interaction tests pass on all major browsers.
  2. Design documentation has been updated

DoD general criteria

AviKatziuk commented 9 months ago

Q[1,a] - by Obi

from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.sources.spark.eventhub import SparkEventhubSource
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.transformers.spark.binary_to_string import BinaryToStringTransformer
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.transformers.spark.edgex_opcua_json_to_pcdm import EdgeXOPCUAJsonToPCDMTransformer
from import SparkDeltaDestination
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.utilities import SparkSessionUtility
import json

def pipeline():
    spark = SparkSessionUtility(config={}).execute()

    eventhub_source_configuration = {
        "eventhubs.connectionString": "your_eventhub_connection_string",
        "eventhubs.consumerGroup": "your_consumer_group",
        "eventhubs.startingPosition": json.dumps(
            {"offset": "0", "seqNo": -1, "enqueuedTime": None, "isInclusive": True}

    source = SparkEventhubSource(spark, eventhub_source_configuration).read_batch()
    string_data = BinaryToStringTransformer(source, "body", "body").transform()
    PCDM_data = EdgeXOPCUAJsonToPCDMTransformer(string_data, "body").transform()

    delta_destination_configuration = {
        "delta.path": "path_to_delta_table",
        "delta.mode": "overwrite",

        PCDM_data, delta_destination_configuration

if __name__ == "__main__":
AviKatziuk commented 9 months ago

Q[1,b] - by Linda

from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.transformers.json_parser import JSONParser
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.destinations.hive import HiveDestination
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.utilities import SparkSessionUtility

def pipeline():
    spark = SparkSessionUtility(config={}).execute()

    kafka_source_configuration = {
        "kafka.bootstrap.servers": "<bootstrap_server>",
        "subscribe": "<topic>",
        "startingOffsets": "earliest",
        "failOnDataLoss": "false"
    kafka_df = KafkaSource(spark, kafka_source_configuration).read_batch()

    parsed_df = JSONParser(kafka_df).transform()

    hive_destination_configuration = {
        "database": "<database>",
        "table": "<table>"
    HiveDestination(parsed_df, hive_destination_configuration).write_batch()

if __name__ == "__main__":
AviKatziuk commented 9 months ago

Q[1,c] - Naharin


AviKatziuk commented 9 months ago

Q[1,d] - by Obi

from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.sources.spark.mqtt import SparkMQTTSource
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.transformers.spark.string_to_json import StringToJsonTransformer
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.transformers.spark.filter import FilterTransformer
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.destinations.spark.elasticsearch import SparkElasticsearchDestination
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.utilities import SparkSessionUtility

# Set up the MQTT configuration
mqtt_conf = {
    "mqtt.serverUri": "mqtt://<broker-url>",
    "mqtt.topic": "<mqtt-topic>",
    "mqtt.username": "<username>",
    "mqtt.password": "<password>",
    "mqtt.cleanSession": True,
    "mqtt.keepAliveInterval": 60

# Set up the Elasticsearch configuration
es_conf = {
    "es.nodes": "<elasticsearch-host>",
    "es.port": "<elasticsearch-port>",
    "es.resource": "<index-name>/<document-type>",
    "es.nodes.wan.only": True

# Set the threshold value to filter out readings
threshold = 50

def pipeline():
    spark = SparkSessionUtility(config={}).execute()

    # Read data from MQTT broker
    source = SparkMQTTSource(spark, mqtt_conf).read_stream()

    # Transform string data to JSON
    json_data = StringToJsonTransformer(source, "value", "json").transform()

    # Filter out readings below the threshold value
    filtered_data = FilterTransformer(json_data, f"value >= {threshold}").transform()

    # Write data to Elasticsearch
    SparkElasticsearchDestination(data=filtered_data, options=es_conf).write_stream()

if __name__ == "__main__":
AviKatziuk commented 9 months ago

Q[1,e] - by Obi

import os
import sys
import boto3
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from import StandardScaler
from import Pipeline
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType

# Set AWS credentials
os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = 'your_access_key'
os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = 'your_secret_access_key'

# Create SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("FinancialDataImport").getOrCreate()

# Read Parquet file from S3 bucket
s3_bucket = "your_s3_bucket"
parquet_file = "your_parquet_file"
s3_path = f"s3a://{s3_bucket}/{parquet_file}"
df =

# Apply Standard Scaler transformation
features = ["feature1", "feature2", "feature3"]  # Replace with actual feature columns
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=features, outputCol="features")
scaler = StandardScaler(inputCol="features", outputCol="scaled_features")
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[assembler, scaler])
pipeline_model =
scaled_df = pipeline_model.transform(df).select("scaled_features")

# Convert Spark DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame
pandas_df = scaled_df.toPandas()

# Upload Pandas DataFrame to Redshift database
redshift_host = "your_redshift_host"
redshift_db = "your_redshift_db"
redshift_user = "your_redshift_user"
redshift_password = "your_redshift_password"
redshift_table = "your_redshift_table"
redshift_port = 5439

# Create Redshift connection
conn = psycopg2.connect(

# Convert Pandas DataFrame to CSV string
csv_string = pandas_df.to_csv(index=False, header=False)

# Copy CSV string to Redshift table
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.copy_from(StringIO(csv_string), redshift_table, sep=',')

# Close Redshift connection

# Print success message
print("Financial data imported and uploaded to Redshift successfully.")
AviKatziuk commented 9 months ago

Q[1,f] - by Obi

from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.sources.http import HttpSource
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.transformers.spark.json_normalizer import JsonNormalizer
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.destinations.mongodb import MongoDbDestination
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.utilities import SparkSessionUtility

def pipeline():
    spark = SparkSessionUtility(config={}).execute()

    # Define the source configuration
    source_configuration = {
        "url": "",
        "headers": {
            "Authorization": "Bearer {your_access_token}"

    # Read data from the REST API
    http_source = HttpSource(spark, source_configuration)
    source_df = http_source.read_batch()

    # Normalize the data
    normalizer = JsonNormalizer(source_df)
    normalized_df = normalizer.transform()

    # Define the MongoDB destination configuration
    destination_configuration = {
        "uri": "mongodb://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}.{collection}",
        "mode": "append"

    # Write the data to MongoDB
    mongodb_destination = MongoDbDestination(spark, normalized_df, destination_configuration)

if __name__ == "__main__":
AviKatziuk commented 9 months ago

Q[1,g] - by Obi

from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.sources.gcp.gcs import GCSBlobSource
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.transformers.python.json_sentiment_analysis import SentimentAnalysisTransformer
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.destinations.gcp.bigquery import BigQueryDestination
from rtdip_sdk.pipelines.utilities import GCPClientUtility

def pipeline():
    # Set up GCP client
    gcp_client = GCPClientUtility()

    # Read data from Google Cloud Storage
    source = GCSBlobSource(

    # Perform sentiment analysis on JSON logs
    sentiment_data = SentimentAnalysisTransformer(

    # Write results to Google BigQuery

if __name__ == "__main__":