amosproj / amos2024ss01-xcelerator-demo-app

a student project in cooperation with Siemens for a Demo Web Application around water tank management
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Provide feedback for Industry Partner on Siemens iX #207

Open shahraz1998 opened 1 week ago

shahraz1998 commented 1 week ago

User story

  1. As a Siemens iX developer
  2. I want / need useful feedback regarding the software
  3. So that I can apply it and improve Siemens iX

Acceptance criteria

IngoSternberg commented 2 days ago

I created a lot of issues which can be seen here:

The text of them is:

documentation of echarts

This is regarding the echarts page.

I know you only provide theming for the apache echarts. Still the documentation could be improved to make it easier for us to work with echarts.

For Angular: describe more detailed how to add NgxEcharts in your module file or add a link to such documentation. Also for standalone components tell us that we need to add provideEcharts() to our providers in app.config.ts.

Another thing you could add is an example with real time data. So explain how to use dates as timesteps on the x-axis and how the series items for lines on the y-axis should look. Using the echarts dataset for this would be nice too.

Again, of course that would be duplicate to some apache documentation but I think they did not make this very clear. So it would still be immensely helpful and make Siemens iX easier to use for everyone working with it.

documentation of modals

This is regarding the modal page.

It would be nice in the Angular modal-by-instance.ts example to also show how to use the value from the modal. A simple example that sets a boolean cancelled to true or false depending on if the Modal was dismissed(instance.onDismiss()) or closed(instance.onClose()) would be enough.

documentation of form validation

This is regarding the validation page.

Currently this page only shows how to validate simple input fields. Very often that is not enough. It would be nice if it was also explained how to validate:

Common Questions Tab

Maybe this already exists somewhere. It would just be nice if these things show up if you use the search in the top right on the siemens ix page

  1. Why is IntelliJ not recognizing the events emmited by the components? (Context: For me in IntelliJ all emmited events like ( backButtonClick), .... are marked as red because IntelliJ does not recognize them. They still work but it is very confusing for me and I thought it was because we made a mistake)
  2. Is Siemens iX compatible with tailwind? Maybe this is obvious for you but just mentioning it once somewhere would be enough

\<ix-card-list> Show all

This is regarding the \<ix-card-list> .

I think it is very unintuitive that the "Show all ..." Button does not actually show you all of the cards on the same page but that it just emits an event and you have to redirect it to a new page.

I would suggest giving it the default behavior to just show all the cards.

In case you want to keep it like that I think it would be good to at least

documentation problems

docu for standalone components

Link in this repo does not work

This regards the on this github repository

The link to documentation in the following position does not work:

  • Read the documentation carefully and find out if the functionality is already covered, maybe by an individual configuration.
sn0wcat commented 22 hours ago

thanks @IngoSternberg !