amosproj / amos2024ss01-xcelerator-demo-app

a student project in cooperation with Siemens for a Demo Web Application around water tank management
MIT License
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figma concept - ix Figma Library #26

Open sn0wcat opened 2 weeks ago

sn0wcat commented 2 weeks ago

User story

  1. As a designer
  2. I want / need to design the screens of the application using Siemens iX templates in figma
  3. So that product owners can make decisions together with the industry partner.

cc: @danielleroux @silviowolf can you help here? Could we give the student team a preview version of the open source version or the siemens one?

Acceptance criteria

Definition of done (DoD)

DoD general criteria

sn0wcat commented 2 weeks ago

@shahraz1998 @lamara11 Let's track the question about figma here.

IngoSternberg commented 2 weeks ago

Isn't it just the open source library linked at the bottom here? I downloaded it but as far as I know Figma Professional is required to use libraries properly

sn0wcat commented 2 weeks ago

@IngoSternberg those are sketch libraries not figma libraries :)

silviowolf commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @sn0wcat, @Sabo2k, @IngoSternberg, I am not sure how the working mode between Siemens and students is set up but I see 3 ways to provide the libraries:

Provide Figma guest accounts with editor rights for the students

Export iX libraries and import them to another (student’s/univesrity’s) Figma

Provide iX libraries via Figma Community libraries

We could also set up a meeting to discuss and clarify the options.