amosproj / amos2024ss01-xcelerator-demo-app

a student project in cooperation with Siemens for a Demo Web Application around water tank management
MIT License
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Implement Mock Server for IOT Timeseries API in NestJS #29

Open lamara11 opened 2 weeks ago

lamara11 commented 2 weeks ago

User story

  1. As a developer
  2. I want to implement a Mock Server for the IOT Timeseries API in NestJS,
  3. So that the frontend can utilize it to retrieve pump data for both broken and working pumps without the need for a connection to insights hub. see #27 for detailed description and examples.

Acceptance criteria

Definition of done (DoD)

DoD general criteria

Sabo2k commented 1 week ago

You can also use checkboxes for each acceptance using - [ ] Text instead of code block 🙂

It then looks like this: