amosproj / amos2024ss01-xcelerator-demo-app

a student project in cooperation with Siemens for a Demo Web Application around water tank management
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feat: install tailwind #50

Closed IngoSternberg closed 3 weeks ago

IngoSternberg commented 3 weeks ago

I installed tailwind mainly by installing the necessary dependencies and then running

npx nx g @nx/angular:setup-tailwind frontend

I also added a custom color and a custom class just so everyone can see how to add them

IngoSternberg commented 3 weeks ago

right now tailwind works but it would be good to also have the siemens ix classes and they are not working yet

KonsumGandalf commented 3 weeks ago

I installed tailwind mainly by installing the necessary dependencies and then running

npx nx g @nx/angular:setup-tailwind frontend

I also added a custom color and a custom class just so everyone can see how to add them

Please DONT use using npx, since we use pnpm it is:

pnpm nx g @nx/angular:setup-tailwind frontend

Nevertheless it would function on your machine if you have npx installed.

IngoSternberg commented 3 weeks ago

Ok my bad I just copied the command out of the nx guide for tailwind. The installation worked fine tho right?