amosproj / amos2024ss01-xcelerator-demo-app

a student project in cooperation with Siemens for a Demo Web Application around water tank management
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Software architecture document #7

Open lamara11 opened 3 weeks ago

lamara11 commented 3 weeks ago

User story

  1. As a developer
  2. I need to prepare a description of the planned software architecture; The document should include: 2.1. An overview diagram of runtime components (one page) 2.2. An overview diagram of code components (one page) 2.3. A summary of the underlying technology stack (one page) 2.4. A textual explanation of the diagrams and choices (one page)
  3. So that we have a definition of the components of the project

Acceptance criteria

Definition of done (DoD)

DoD general criteria

sn0wcat commented 2 weeks ago

@Sabo2k my suggestion is to use diagrams which can be checked in into the project and a markdown file (e.g. with the description, which can then be converted to PDF or something similar if you guys need it as a deliverable for the university reviews.

sn0wcat commented 2 weeks ago

Acceptance criteria All diagrams are available and reviewed by all developers. Underlying technology stack is agreed upon between developers. All diagrams and technology stack are explained.