amosproj / amos2024ss06-health-ai-framework

Ailixir is an application that utilises LLMs and custom user input to generate AI agent prototypes specialised in fields such as health, economics, physics etc. The prototypes enable the user, which is an entrepreneur-developer, to compare the results produced by different LLMs.
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Query and display multiple LLM responses simultaneously - frontend #204

Closed tubamos closed 5 days ago

tubamos commented 2 weeks ago



app frontend


To fulfill the fundamental requirement of comparing responses coming from multiple LLMs, we can implement the display of parallel chat bubbles, one for each response from a different LLM.

The chat bubbles with responses that will be created will be as many as the number of LLMs that have been selected using the checkbox in the dropdown.


OpenAI has a similar UI in the web interface where there are two simultaneus responses produced that let the user select which is the best one. We could implement it in a similar way but for responses coming from different LLMs altogether.



Integrate multiple responses in the same chat response bubble.


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