amosproj / amos2024ss06-health-ai-framework

Ailixir is an application that utilises LLMs and custom user input to generate AI agent prototypes specialised in fields such as health, economics, physics etc. The prototypes enable the user, which is an entrepreneur-developer, to compare the results produced by different LLMs.
MIT License
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Develop option to create new chat #215

Closed tubamos closed 1 week ago

tubamos commented 1 week ago

Item type: app frontend, app backend

Description Development of an option to create a new chat. This functionality allows users to initiate a new chat through a button or option provided on the chat interface. Upon selecting the button, a new chat interface opens where users can type their requests. The conversation is stored in the database for future retrieval.

User Story

As a user, I want to be able to create a new chat through a button on the chat interface so that I can start a new conversation whenever needed, and have it saved for future reference.

Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done