amosproj / amos2024ss06-health-ai-framework

Ailixir is an application that utilises LLMs and custom user input to generate AI agent prototypes specialised in fields such as health, economics, physics etc. The prototypes enable the user, which is an entrepreneur-developer, to compare the results produced by different LLMs.
MIT License
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Data retrieval - recipes from Nutritionfacts #218

Open tubamos opened 1 week ago

tubamos commented 1 week ago


app frontend, app backend


Develop a web scraper to extract recipe content from the website. This scraper will use the existing orchestrator infrastructure for task scheduling, execution and monitoring. The scraper will collect data including recipe names, ingredients, instructions, and nutritional information. The data will be stored in JSON format in a MongoDB database hosted on Google Cloud Servers. The extracted data will be utilized in creating context for custom agents specialized in nutrition advice.

User Story

Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done