amosproj / amos2024ss06-health-ai-framework

Ailixir is an application that utilises LLMs and custom user input to generate AI agent prototypes specialised in fields such as health, economics, physics etc. The prototypes enable the user, which is an entrepreneur-developer, to compare the results produced by different LLMs.
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Configure new VectorStore for embeddings #226

Open tubamos opened 6 days ago

tubamos commented 6 days ago


This task does not have a hard dependency on task 224 listed below. To save time we could use any aquired data at hand and then we change the data origin for the embeddings generation once the solution that comes as a result from task 224 is ready.

Also check Preet's previous task:


app backend


ChromaDB replaces AstraDB in our stack as the VectorStore where we save embeddings generated by the aquired data. Configure ChromaDB, and configure the chunking of our data documents into the appropriate size (distance etc.)

Some info about chunking in ChromaDB:

Probably chunking can be taken over by some embeddings generating function of OpenAI or Gemini. Similarly there might be something coming from LangChain so you should do your research to figure out which way is the easiest for our use case.

User Story

"As a developer of this team, I want to replace AstraDB with ChromaDB for embedding storage and define chunk sizes and embedding functions, so that I can offer the end user I am serving access to custom context via the RAG technique eventually improving the reliability and traceability of the answers the user receives.

Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done

manikg08 commented 4 days ago

No need to replace Chroma DB, we can work with Astra DB as the advantage of Astra DB over Chroma is that we do not need to host astra db anywhere. It is a serverless Database.

New Tokens and API endpoints have been generated for Astra DB which can be used to save the scraped data directly to Astra DB in form of embeddings for which OPEN AI Embeddings have been used.

These embeddings could then be used by performing similarity search on the user given prompt and then extracting the relevant information and feeding it to the LLM.

The new keys of Astra DB have been added in the Canvas of Slack.