amoussard / sftp-deployment

Spend less time managing file transfers and more time coding. SFTP support for to send and receive files directly in your server.
MIT License
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How do I create a project? #48

Closed clov3r closed 9 years ago

clov3r commented 9 years ago

This is a dumb question... but I can't mapToRemote without creating a project. How do I create a project? I have open the folder that I want to map...

vahidvalian commented 9 years ago

I have this problem too

Mathahal commented 9 years ago

I'm also in this situation. msg

orlaqp commented 9 years ago

I am having the same issue .. I also downloaded the Project Manager package and save the project but still getting the same message "Create a project before ..."

clov3r commented 9 years ago

Huh, glad it's not just me.

Atom 0.182.0, without project manager, project-ring or any other project manager package installed.

orlaqp commented 9 years ago

I could really use this feature but not sure what to do to make it work and at this point do not have time to look at the package source code. In the meantime I am still using FileZilla Client.

akyoto commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem. How do I create a project for sftp-deployment? I was thinking maybe it needs the Project Manager package but after creating a project there it still didn't change anything.

xabispacebiker commented 9 years ago

same here

chantelope commented 9 years ago

Also having this issue

SharpEdgeMarshall commented 9 years ago

same here!!!

misterGF commented 9 years ago


raugaral commented 9 years ago

the same in Atom 0.184.0

iamstarkov commented 9 years ago

wtf is the project in atom without projects support?

aary commented 9 years ago

I can't seem to work around it either. Does anyone know how to fix this?

reggi commented 9 years ago

+1 this is madness

reggi commented 9 years ago

I dug into the DeploymentManager.js specifically this line which is throwing the Create a project before trying to create a config file. error.

By "project" the package requires that you have a folder opened with atom, and not just a file.


Of course atom.project.path is undefined. I did a find and replace for it and got the "MapToRemote" by doing a find and replace for atom.project.path and replacing it with atom.project.rootDirectories[0].path all that function did was create a file in my root directory called deployment-config.json but the app crapped out when I tried to upload.

The plugin doesn't seem to offer directory watching anyway :(

Pooky commented 9 years ago

I find quick fix. At DeploymentManager.js after line 15 put this code and it should work.

// Quick fix
if(atom.appVersion.split(".")[1] > 182){
  atom.project.path = atom.project.rootDirectories[0].path;
Cipa commented 9 years ago

Many thx to @Pooky

alanhouser commented 9 years ago

I concure; thanks @Pooky. BTW: at first the fix didn't work. I had to restart Atom. Bingo.

Pooky commented 9 years ago

@alanhouser You don't have to restart whole atom, you can reload your view by VIEW->RELOAD in menu :)

amoussard commented 9 years ago

Hi guys,

Sorry for the long period of inactivity.

We are currently working on a new version : better code, more stable, and bug fixes. This bug will be fixed at the next release.

Thank you for using our work ! :)

amoussard commented 9 years ago

Hi guys,

A new version (1.0.0) was published tonight. Feel free to reopen if the problem is still there.

Enjoy ! :D