amoussard / sftp-deployment

Spend less time managing file transfers and more time coding. SFTP support for to send and receive files directly in your server.
MIT License
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Enhancement: Add a local path config variable #57

Open benoitbar opened 9 years ago

benoitbar commented 9 years ago

It would be nice to add the possibility to specify the local path to sync with remote path in config file because sometimes local and remote not have the same folder structure

lipelopeslage commented 9 years ago


micahblu commented 9 years ago

Big + 1 :) As the plugin stands, its unusable for me and I would imagine for most others who have a root directory that contains a src and dist directories. Essentially I need to inform the plugin which local directory to base from when uploading to the server. So instead of uploading to src/index.html it would just upload to /index.html for example.

edoardo849 commented 9 years ago


stefanwuthrich commented 9 years ago

agreed +1

pdesterlich commented 8 years ago

agreed +1

amoussard commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

I will keep it in mind for the next releases.

Thank you for your feedback !