amousset / php-weathermap-zabbix-plugin

PHP Weathermap plugin for Zabbix (using Zabbix API)
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Template in OVERLIBGRAPH #4

Open mamashin opened 8 years ago

mamashin commented 8 years ago

Hello !

with this input in LINK:

OVERLIBGRAPH zabbix:graphid:{link:this:zabbix_name}:{link:this:graf_id}

I have output like:

onmouseover="return overlib('<img src=zabbix:graphid:SW-VTB-CORE:734>',DELAY,250,CAPTION,'SW-VTB-CORE-SW-RRS44');" Is it normal ?

peppelauro commented 7 years ago

I have had the same behavior. Maybe the graph does not exist in Zabbix. You have to create it first.