amperka / ino

Command line toolkit for working with Arduino hardware
MIT License
1.08k stars 233 forks source link

Bash completion #253

Closed szeder closed 2 years ago

szeder commented 9 years ago

To make typing ino commands more comfortable.

$ ino <TAB>
build        --help       list-models  serial
clean        init         preproc      upload
$ ino build --<TAB>
--ar            --cflags        --help          --verbose
--arduino-dist  --cppflags      --ldflags
--board-model   --cxx           --make
--cc            --cxxflags      --objcopy
$ ino build --board-model <TAB>
atmega168     esplora       LilyPadUSB    nano          robotControl
atmega328     ethernet      mega          nano328       robotMotor
atmega8       fio           mega2560      pro           uno
bt            leonardo      micro         pro328
bt328         lilypad       mini          pro5v
diecimila     lilypad328    mini328       pro5v328

No make install integration, because

Hence the short note at the end of INSTALL and a few instructions in bash-completion/ino.