amperka / ino

Command line toolkit for working with Arduino hardware
MIT License
1.08k stars 233 forks source link

0.3.6 : No project found in this directory #254

Open J-Dunn opened 8 years ago

J-Dunn commented 8 years ago

I've just installed ino- on Fed20. It falls at the first hurdle:

# ino preproc   --help
usage: ino preproc [-h] [-d PATH] [-o OUTPUT] sketch

# ino preproc  grbl_sketch.ino
No project found in this directory

bash-4.2$ ls -ail 
total 12
1483071 drwxrwxr-x.  2 stm stm 4096 Jul  5 08:39 .
1483062 drwxrwxr-x. 13 stm stm 4096 Jul 15 13:36 ..
1487057 -rw-rw-r--.  1 stm stm  447 Jul  5 08:39 grbl_sketch.ino

Not encouraging.

GilDev commented 8 years ago

I may be wrong but I think you should put your source files in a "src" folder.

GTpyro commented 7 years ago

@GilDev yes, you are correct. ino expects the following structure:

Otherwise, ino will fail. I recommend this issue be closed.