amperser / proselint

A linter for prose.
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Add rule on redundancies extracted from After the Deadline #279

Closed suchow closed 8 years ago

suchow commented 8 years ago


In the following list, the first phrase is redundant, the second is the part that can be eliminated.

12 noon 12
12 o'clock noon 12 o'clock
ABS brakes  brakes
ABS braking system  braking system
ACT test    test
Bo Staff    Staff
CD Disc Disc
CD disc disc
GOP party   party
GRE exam    exam
HIV virus   virus
Hallah bread    bread
I myself    myself
I personally    personally
ISBN number number
It is what it is    what it is
LCD display display
Milky Way galaxy    galaxy
Mount Fujiyama  Mount
PC computer computer
PIN number  number
Please RSVP Please
RAM memory  memory
Rio Grande River    River
Rio Grande river    river
SAT test    test
State of New Mexico State of
State of New York   State of
State of North Carolina State of
State of North Dakota   State of
State of South Carolona State of
State of South Dakota   State of
UPC code    code
a pair of twins a pair of
a.m. in the morning in the morning
absolute guarantee  absolute
absolutely essential    absolutely
absolutely necessary    absolutely
absolutely sure absolutely
actual experience   actual
actual facts    actual
add a further   a further
add an additional   an additional
add up  up
added bonus added
advance forward forward
advance planning    advance
advance preview advance
advance reservations    advance
advance warning advance
affirmative yes affirmative
aid and abet    aid and
all inclusive   all
all of  of
all-time record all-time
alongside   side
alongside of    of
alternative choice  choice
always and forever  and forever
amaretto almond almond
and etc.    and
annual anniversary  annual
anonymous stranger  anonymous
armed gunman    armed
armed gunmen    armed
artificial prosthesis   artificial
as for example  as
as per  as
as to whether   as to
ascend up   up
ask the question    the question
assemble together   together
at a later date at a, date
at the present time the, time
at this point in time   in time
attach together together
autumn season   season
awful bad   awful
bald-headed -headed
balsa wood  wood
bare naked  bare
basic fundamentals  basic
basic necessities   basic
bento box   box
best ever   ever
blend together  together
boat marina boat
bouquet of flowers  of flowers
brief cameo brief
brief in duration   in duration
brief moment    brief
brief summary   brief
bruin bear  bear
burning embers  burning
burning hot hot
but however however
but nevertheless    nevertheless
cacophony of sound  of sound
cameo appearance    appearance
cancel out  out
careful scrutiny    careful
cash money  money
cease and desist    and desist
chai tea    tea
circle around   around
circulate around    around
classify into groups    into groups
climb up    up
close proximity close
close scrutiny  close
closed fist closed
collaborate together    together
combine together    together
common bond common
commute back and forth  back-and-forth
compete with each other with each other
complete monopoly   complete
completely annihilate   completely
completely destroyed    completely
completely eliminate    completely
completely engulfed completely
completely filled   completely
completely surround completely
component parts component
comprises of    of
confer together together
confused state  state
connect together    together
connect up  up
consensus of opinion    of opinion
constantly maintained   constantly
consult with    with
continue to remain  continue to
cool down   down
cooperate together  together
cost the sum of the sum of
could possibly  possibly
crisis situation    situation
crouch down down
curative process    process
current trend   current
dates back  back
definite decision   definite
depreciate in value in value
descend down    down
desirable benefits  desirable
different kinds different
difficult dilemma   difficult
direct confrontation    direct
disappear from sight    from sight
dive down   down
downward    ward
drop down   down
duplicate copy  duplicate
during the course of    the course of
dwindle down    down
dwindled down   down
dynamic range   dynamic
each and every  and every
earlier in time in time
eliminate altogether    altogether
emergency situation situation
empty hole  empty
empty out   out
empty space empty
enclosed herein herein
end result  end
enter in    in
enter into  into
entirely eliminate  entirely
equal to one another    to one another
equally as  equally
eradicate completely    completely
established fact    established
estimated at about  about
estimated at approximately  approximately
estimated at around around
every now and then  every
evolve over time    over time
exact opposites exact
exact replica   exact
exact same  exact
exited from from
exposed opening exposed
extra bonus extra
extradite back  back
face mask   face
face up to  up to
facilitate easier   easier
fall down   down
fall season season
false pretenses false
favorable approval  favorable
feel inside inside
fellow classmates   fellow
fellow colleague    fellow
few in number   in number
filled to capacity  to capacity
final conclusion    final
final end   final
final outcome   final
final ultimatum final
financial accounting    financial
first and foremost  first and
first began first
first conceived first
first of all    of all
first started   first
first time ever ever
fit enough  enough
fly through the air through the air
focus in    in
follow after    after
for free    for
foreign imports foreign
forever and ever    and ever
former graduate former
former veteran  former
forward planning    forward
free gift   free
free gifts  free
free pass   free
from whence from
frozen ice  frozen
frozen tundra   frozen
full satisfaction   full
full to capacity    to capacity
fuse together   together
future plans    future
future recurrence   future
gather together together
gather up   up
general public  general
general consensus   general
get up on his feet  on his feet
get up on your feet on your feet
glowing ember   glowing
grow in size    in size
had done previously previously
hard facts  hard
harmful injuries    harmful
have got    got
has got     got
he himself  himself
head honcho head
heat up up
high noon   high
high time   high
highly relevant highly
hoist up    up
hollow tube hollow
honest truth    honest
hot water heater    hot
hurry up    up
illustrated drawing illustrated
in actual fact  actual
in order to in order
in which we live in in
incredible to believe   to believe
indicted on a charge    on a charge
indicted on a charge of on a charge
inner core  inner
inner feelings  inner
innovative new  new
input into  into
integral part of    integral
integrate together  together
integrate with each other   with each other
interconnected  inter
interdependent on each other    on each other
introduced a new    new
introduced for the first time   for the first time
inward  ward
inward into inward
irregardless    ir
join together   together
joint collaboration joint
just recently   just
kneel down  down
knowledgeable experts   knowledgeable
knots per hour  per hour
lag behind  behind
last of all of all
later time  time
left behind behind
leftward    ward
lift up up
linger on   on
little baby little
live studio audience    live
live witness    live
local residents local
look ahead to the future    ahead
lose out on out on
made out of out
main focus  main
major breakthrough  major
major feat  major
manually by hand    by hand
many different  different
mass media  mass
may possibly    possibly
meet together   together
meet up up
meet with each other    with each other
mental telepathy    mental
merge together  together
merged together together
meshed together together
midway between  between
might possibly  possibly
migraine headache   headache
minestrone soup soup
miss out on out on
mix together    together
moment in time  in time
money-saving coupon money-saving
mutual cooperation  mutual
mutual respect for each other   for each other
mutually dependent on each other    on each other
mutually interdependent mutually
nape of her neck    of her neck
native habitat  native
natural instinct    natural
naturally instinct  naturally
necessary requirements  necessary
never at any time   at any time
never before    before
new beginning   new
new bride   new
new construction    new
new innovation  new
new innovative  new
new invention   new
new record  new
new recruit new
none at all at all
nostalgia for the past  for the past
now currently   now
now pending now
null and void   null and
number of different different
off in the distance off
old adage   old
old cliche  old
old custom  old
old pioneer old
old proverb old
one and the same    one and
onto    to, on
onward  ward
open trench open
open up up
or alternatively    alternatively
oral conversation   oral
orbits around   around
originally created  originally
originally discovered   originally
output out of   out of
outside in the yard outside
outside of  of
outward ward
over and done with  over and, with
over and over again again
over exaggerate over
over top    top
over top of top of
over with   with
overused cliche overused
pair of twins   pair of
palm of the hand    of the hand
passing fad passing
past experience past
past history    past
past memories   past
past records    past
peace and quiet peace and
penetrate into  into
penetrate through   through
per usual   per
perfect ideal   perfect
period of time   of time
personal belongings personal
personal charm  personal
personal friend personal
personal friendship personal
personal opinion    personal
pick and choose and choose
pitch black pitch
pizza pie   pie
plan ahead  ahead
plan in advance in advance
please RSVP please
plunge down down
point in time   in time
polar opposites polar
positive identification positive
postpone until later    until later
pouring down rain   down
precise same    precise
present incumbent   present
present time    time
previously listed above above
private industry    private
probed into into
proceed ahead   ahead
proposed plan   proposed
protest against against
protrude out    out
pursue after    after
put off until later until later
raise up    up
random chance   random
rate of speed   rate of
re-elect for another term   for another term
really unique   really
reason is because   because
reason why  why
recur again again
refer back  back
reflect back    back
regular routine regular
repeat again    again
reply back  back
retreat back    back
revert back back
right now   right
right over  right
rightward   ward
rise up up
rough rule of thumb rough
round circle    round
round in shape  in shape
rustic country  country
safe haven  safe
safe sanctuary  safe
same exact  exact
same identical  same
sand dune   sand
scrutinize in detail    in detail
secret that cannot be told   that cannot be told
seek out    out
seek to find    to find
separated apart from each other apart from each other
serious danger  serious
share together  together
sharp point sharp
shiny in appearance in appearance
short summary   short
shut down   down
single unit single
sink down   down
situated in situated
skipped over    over
slow speed  speed
small size  size
small speck small
so as to    so as
so therefore    therefore
soaked to the skin  to the skin
soda pop    pop
soft in texture in texture
soft to the touch   to the touch
sole of the foot    of the foot
some time to come   to come
somewhat unique somewhat
specific details    specific
spell out in detail in detail
spiked upward       upward
spiked upwards      upwards
spliced together    together
spring season   season
stacked together    together
start off   off
start out   out
start out   out
still lingers   still
still persists  still
still remains   still
subject matter  matter
sudden impulse  sudden
sufficient enough   enough
sum total   sum
summer season   the, season
surrounded on all sides on all sides
swoop down  down
talking out loud    out loud
tall in height  in height
tall in stature in stature
tear apart  apart
temper tantrum  temper
temporary reprieve  temporary
ten in number   in number
teriyaki barbecue   barbecue
therapeutic treatment   therapeutic
these ones  ones
they themselves themselves
thorough investigation  thorough
those ones  ones
three a.m. in the morning   in the morning
three-way love triangle three-way
time clock  time
time period time
tiny bit    tiny
to ask a question   a question
to ask for assistance   for assistance
to ask for help for help
together at the same time   at the same time
total destruction   total
totally destroy totally
totally unique  totally
true facts  true
truly sincere   truly
tuna fish   fish
twelve midnight twelve
twelve noon twelve
two equal halves    two equal
ultimate goal   ultimate
unconfirmed rumor   unconfirmed
undeniable truth    truth
undergraduate student   student
underground subway  underground
unexpected emergency    unexpected
unexpected surprise unexpected
unintentional mistake   mistake
universal panacea   universal
unnamed anonymous   unnamed
unsolved mystery    unsolved
up on top   up, top
up on top of    up, top of
upward  ward
usual custom    usual
vacillate back and forth    back and forth
veiled ambush   veiled
very pregnant   very
very unique very
visible to the eye  to the eye
wall mural  wall
warm up up
warn in advance in advance
we ourselves    ourselves
weather conditions  conditions
weather situation   situation
whether or not  or not
white snow  white
why come    come
winter season   season
write down  down
written down    down
yakitori chicken    chicken
yerba mate tea  tea
popey456963 commented 8 years ago

Made it far more computer friendly, jesus that took a long time.

12 noon,12
12 o'clock noon,12 o'clock
ABS brakes,brakes
ABS braking system,braking system
ACT test,test
Bo Staff,Staff
CD Disc,Disc
CD disc,disc
GOP party,party
GRE exam,exam
HIV virus,virus
Hallah bread,bread
I myself,myself
I personally,personally
ISBN number,number
It is what it is,what it is
LCD display,display
Milky Way galaxy,galaxy
Mount Fujiyama,Mount
PC computer,computer
PIN number,number
Please RSVP,Please
RAM memory,memory
Rio Grande River,River
Rio Grande river,river
SAT test,test
State of New Mexico,State of
State of New York,State of
State of North Carolina,State of
State of North Dakota,State of
State of South Carolona,State of
State of South Dakota,State of
UPC code,code
a pair of twins,a pair of
a.m. in the morning,in the morning
absolute guarantee,absolute
absolutely essential,absolutely
absolutely necessary,absolutely
absolutely sure,absolutely
actual experience,actual
actual facts,actual
add a further,a further
add an additional,an additional
add up,up
added bonus,added
advance forward,forward
advance planning,advance
advance preview,advance
advance reservations,advance
advance warning,advance
affirmative yes,affirmative
aid and abet,aid and
all inclusive,all
all of,of
all-time record,all-time
alongside of,of
alternative choice,choice
always and forever,and forever
amaretto almond,almond
and etc.,and
annual anniversary,annual
anonymous stranger,anonymous
armed gunman,armed
armed gunmen,armed
artificial prosthesis,artificial
as for example,as
as per,as
as to whether,as to
ascend up,up
ask the question,the question
assemble together,together
at a later date at a, date
at the present time the, time
at this point in time,in time
attach together,together
autumn season,season
awful bad,awful
balsa wood,wood
bare naked,bare
basic fundamentals,basic
basic necessities,basic
bento box,box
best ever,ever
blend together,together
boat marina,boat
bouquet of flowers,of flowers
brief cameo,brief
brief in duration,in duration
brief moment,brief
brief summary,brief
bruin bear,bear
burning embers,burning
burning hot,hot
but however,however
but nevertheless,nevertheless
cacophony of sound,of sound
cameo appearance,appearance
cancel out,out
careful scrutiny,careful
cash money,money
cease and desist,and desist
chai tea,tea
circle around,around
circulate around,around
classify into groups,into groups
climb up,up
close proximity,close
close scrutiny,close
closed fist,closed
collaborate together,together
combine together,together
common bond,common
commute back and forth,back-and-forth
compete with each other,with each other
complete monopoly,complete
completely annihilate,completely
completely destroyed,completely
completely eliminate,completely
completely engulfed,completely
completely filled,completely
completely surround,completely
component parts,component
comprises of,of
confer together,together
confused state,state
connect together,together
connect up,up
consensus of opinion,of opinion
constantly maintained,constantly
consult with,with
continue to remain,continue to
cool down,down
cooperate together,together
cost the sum of,the sum of
could possibly,possibly
crisis situation,situation
crouch down,down
curative process,process
current trend,current
dates back,back
definite decision,definite
depreciate in value,in value
descend down,down
desirable benefits,desirable
different kinds,different
difficult dilemma,difficult
direct confrontation,direct
disappear from sight,from sight
dive down,down
drop down,down
duplicate copy,duplicate
during the course of,the course of
dwindle down,down
dwindled down,down
dynamic range,dynamic
each and every,and every
earlier in time,in time
eliminate altogether,altogether
emergency situation,situation
empty hole,empty
empty out,out
empty space,empty
enclosed herein,herein
end result,end
enter in,in
enter into,into
entirely eliminate,entirely
equal to one another,to one another
equally as,equally
eradicate completely,completely
established fact,established
estimated at about,about
estimated at approximately,approximately
estimated at around,around
every now and then,every
evolve over time,over time
exact opposites,exact
exact replica,exact
exact same,exact
exited from,from
exposed opening,exposed
extra bonus,extra
extradite back,back
face mask,face
face up to,up to
facilitate easier,easier
fall down,down
fall season,season
false pretenses,false
favorable approval,favorable
feel inside,inside
fellow classmates,fellow
fellow colleague,fellow
few in number,in number
filled to capacity,to capacity
final conclusion,final
final end,final
final outcome,final
final ultimatum,final
financial accounting,financial
first and foremost,first and
first began,first
first conceived,first
first of all,of all
first started,first
first time ever,ever
fit enough,enough
fly through the air,through the air
focus in,in
follow after,after
for free,for
foreign imports,foreign
forever and ever,and ever
former graduate,former
former veteran,former
forward planning,forward
free gift,free
free gifts,free
free pass,free
from whence,from
frozen ice,frozen
frozen tundra,frozen
full satisfaction,full
full to capacity,to capacity
fuse together,together
future plans,future
future recurrence,future
gather together,together
gather up,up
general public,general
general consensus,general
get up on his feet,on his feet
get up on your feet,on your feet
glowing ember,glowing
grow in size,in size
had done previously,previously
hard facts,hard
harmful injuries,harmful
have got,got
has got,got
he himself,himself
head honcho,head
heat up,up
high noon,high
high time,high
highly relevant,highly
hoist up,up
hollow tube,hollow
honest truth,honest
hot water heater,hot
hurry up,up
illustrated drawing,illustrated
in actual fact,actual
in order to,in order
in which we live in,in
incredible to believe,to believe
indicted on a charge,on a charge
indicted on a charge of,on a charge
inner core,inner
inner feelings,inner
innovative new,new
input into,into
integral part of,integral
integrate together,together
integrate with each other,with each other
interdependent on each other,on each other
introduced a new,new
introduced for the first time,for the first time
inward into,inward
join together,together
joint collaboration,joint
just recently,just
kneel down,down
knowledgeable experts,knowledgeable
knots per hour,per hour
lag behind,behind
last of all,of all
later time,time
left behind,behind
lift up,up
linger on,on
little baby,little
live studio audience,live
live witness,live
local residents,local
look ahead to the future,ahead
lose out on,out on
made out of,out
main focus,main
major breakthrough,major
major feat,major
manually by hand,by hand
many different,different
mass media,mass
may possibly,possibly
meet together,together
meet up,up
meet with each other,with each other
mental telepathy,mental
merge together,together
merged together,together
meshed together,together
midway between,between
might possibly,possibly
migraine headache,headache
minestrone soup,soup
miss out on,out on
mix together,together
moment in time,in time
money-saving coupon,money-saving
mutual cooperation,mutual
mutual respect for each other,for each other
mutually dependent on each other,on each other
mutually interdependent,mutually
nape of her neck,of her neck
native habitat,native
natural instinct,natural
naturally instinct,naturally
necessary requirements,necessary
never at any time,at any time
never before,before
new beginning,new
new bride,new
new construction,new
new innovation,new
new innovative,new
new invention,new
new record,new
new recruit,new
none at all,at all
nostalgia for the past,for the past
now currently,now
now pending,now
null and void,null and
number of different,different
off in the distance,off
old adage,old
old cliche,old
old custom,old
old pioneer,old
old proverb,old
one and the same,one and
onto,to, on
open trench,open
open up,up
or alternatively,alternatively
oral conversation,oral
orbits around,around
originally created,originally
originally discovered,originally
output out of,out of
outside in the yard,outside
outside of,of
over and done with,over and, with
over and over again,again
over exaggerate,over
over top,top
over top of,top of
over with,with
overused cliche,overused
pair of twins,pair of
palm of the hand,of the hand
passing fad,passing
past experience,past
past history,past
past memories,past
past records,past
peace and quiet,peace and
penetrate into,into
penetrate through,through
per usual,per
perfect ideal,perfect
period of time,of time
personal belongings,personal
personal charm,personal
personal friend,personal
personal friendship,personal
personal opinion,personal
pick and choose,and choose
pitch black,pitch
pizza pie,pie
plan ahead,ahead
plan in advance,in advance
please RSVP,please
plunge down,down
point in time,in time
polar opposites,polar
positive identification,positive
postpone until later,until later
pouring down rain,down
precise same,precise
present incumbent,present
present time,time
previously listed above,above
private industry,private
probed into,into
proceed ahead,ahead
proposed plan,proposed
protest against,against
protrude out,out
pursue after,after
put off until later,until later
raise up,up
random chance,random
rate of speed,rate of
re-elect for another term,for another term
really unique,really
reason is because,because
reason why,why
recur again,again
refer back,back
reflect back,back
regular routine,regular
repeat again,again
reply back,back
retreat back,back
revert back,back
right now,right
right over,right
rise up,up
rough rule of thumb,rough
round circle,round
round in shape,in shape
rustic country,country
safe haven,safe
safe sanctuary,safe
same exact,exact
same identical,same
sand dune,sand
scrutinize in detail,in detail
secret that cannot be told,that cannot be told
seek out,out
seek to find,to find
separated apart from each other,apart from each other
serious danger,serious
share together,together
sharp point,sharp
shiny in appearance,in appearance
short summary,short
shut down,down
single unit,single
sink down,down
situated in,situated
skipped over,over
slow speed,speed
small size,size
small speck,small
so as to,so as
so therefore,therefore
soaked to the skin,to the skin
soda pop,pop
soft in texture,in texture
soft to the touch,to the touch
sole of the foot,of the foot
some time to come,to come
somewhat unique,somewhat
specific details,specific
spell out in detail,in detail
spiked upward,upward
spiked upwards,upwards
spliced together,together
spring season,season
stacked together,together
start off,off
start out,out
start out,out
still lingers,still
still persists,still
still remains,still
subject matter,matter
sudden impulse,sudden
sufficient enough,enough
sum total,sum
summer season,the, season
surrounded on all sides,on all sides
swoop down,down
talking out loud,out loud
tall in height,in height
tall in stature,in stature
tear apart,apart
temper tantrum,temper
temporary reprieve,temporary
ten in number,in number
teriyaki barbecue,barbecue
therapeutic treatment,therapeutic
these ones,ones
they themselves,themselves
thorough investigation,thorough
those ones,ones
three a.m. in the morning,in the morning
three-way love triangle,three-way
time clock,time
time period,time
tiny bit,tiny
to ask a question,a question
to ask for assistance,for assistance
to ask for help,for help
together at the same time,at the same time
total destruction,total
totally destroy,totally
totally unique,totally
true facts,true
truly sincere,truly
tuna fish,fish
twelve midnight,twelve
twelve noon,twelve
two equal halves,two equal
ultimate goal,ultimate
unconfirmed rumor,unconfirmed
undeniable truth,truth
undergraduate student,student
underground subway,underground
unexpected emergency,unexpected
unexpected surprise,unexpected
unintentional mistake,mistake
universal panacea,universal
unnamed anonymous,unnamed
unsolved mystery,unsolved
up on top,up, top
up on top of,up, top of
usual custom,usual
vacillate back and forth,back and forth
veiled ambush,veiled
very pregnant,very
very unique,very
visible to the eye,to the eye
wall mural,wall
warm up,up
warn in advance,in advance
we ourselves,ourselves
weather conditions,conditions
weather situation,situation
whether or not,or not
white snow,white
why come,come
winter season,season
write down,down
written down,down
yakitori chicken,chicken
yerba mate tea,tea
popey456963 commented 8 years ago

Or, as an array:

["12 noon,12", "12 o'clock noon,12 o'clock", "ABS brakes,brakes", "ABS braking system,braking system", "ACT test,test", "Bo Staff,Staff", "CD Disc,Disc", "CD disc,disc", "GOP party,party", "GRE exam,exam", "HIV virus,virus", "Hallah bread,bread", "I myself,myself", "I personally,personally", "ISBN number,number", "It is what it is,what it is", "LCD display,display", "Milky Way galaxy,galaxy", "Mount Fujiyama,Mount", "PC computer,computer", "PIN number,number", "Please RSVP,Please", "RAM memory,memory", "Rio Grande River,River", "Rio Grande river,river", "SAT test,test", "State of New Mexico,State of", "State of New York,State of", "State of North Carolina,State of", "State of North Dakota,State of", "State of South Carolona,State of", "State of South Dakota,State of", "UPC code,code", "a pair of twins,a pair of", "a.m. in the morning,in the morning", "absolute guarantee,absolute", "absolutely essential,absolutely", "absolutely necessary,absolutely", "absolutely sure,absolutely", "actual experience,actual", "actual facts,actual", "add a further,a further", "add an additional,an additional", "add up,up", "added bonus,added", "advance forward,forward", "advance planning,advance", "advance preview,advance", "advance reservations,advance", "advance warning,advance", "affirmative yes,affirmative", "aid and abet,aid and", "all inclusive,all", "all of,of", "all-time record,all-time", "alongside,side", "alongside of,of", "alternative choice,choice", "always and forever,and forever", "amaretto almond,almond", "and etc.,and", "annual anniversary,annual", "anonymous stranger,anonymous", "armed gunman,armed", "armed gunmen,armed", "artificial prosthesis,artificial", "as for example,as", "as per,as", "as to whether,as to", "ascend up,up", "ask the question,the question", "assemble together,together", "at a later date at a, date", "at the present time the, time", "at this point in time,in time", "attach together,together", "autumn season,season", "awful bad,awful", "bald-headed,-headed", "balsa wood,wood", "bare naked,bare", "basic fundamentals,basic", "basic necessities,basic", "bento box,box", "best ever,ever", "blend together,together", "boat marina,boat", "bouquet of flowers,of flowers", "brief cameo,brief", "brief in duration,in duration", "brief moment,brief", "brief summary,brief", "bruin bear,bear", "burning embers,burning", "burning hot,hot", "but however,however", "but nevertheless,nevertheless", "cacophony of sound,of sound", "cameo appearance,appearance", "cancel out,out", "careful scrutiny,careful", "cash money,money", "cease and desist,and desist", "chai tea,tea", "circle around,around", "circulate around,around", "classify into groups,into groups", "climb up,up", "close proximity,close", "close scrutiny,close", "closed fist,closed", "collaborate together,together", "combine together,together", "common bond,common", "commute back and forth,back-and-forth", "compete with each other,with each other", "complete monopoly,complete", "completely annihilate,completely", "completely destroyed,completely", "completely eliminate,completely", "completely engulfed,completely", "completely filled,completely", "completely surround,completely", "component parts,component", "comprises of,of", "confer together,together", "confused state,state", "connect together,together", "connect up,up", "consensus of opinion,of opinion", "constantly maintained,constantly", "consult with,with", "continue to remain,continue to", "cool down,down", "cooperate together,together", "cost the sum of,the sum of", "could possibly,possibly", "crisis situation,situation", "crouch down,down", "curative process,process", "current trend,current", "dates back,back", "definite decision,definite", "depreciate in value,in value", "descend down,down", "desirable benefits,desirable", "different kinds,different", "difficult dilemma,difficult", "direct confrontation,direct", "disappear from sight,from sight", "dive down,down", "downward,ward", "drop down,down", "duplicate copy,duplicate", "during the course of,the course of", "dwindle down,down", "dwindled down,down", "dynamic range,dynamic", "each and every,and every", "earlier in time,in time", "eliminate altogether,altogether", "emergency situation,situation", "empty hole,empty", "empty out,out", "empty space,empty", "enclosed herein,herein", "end result,end", "enter in,in", "enter into,into", "entirely eliminate,entirely", "equal to one another,to one another", "equally as,equally", "eradicate completely,completely", "established fact,established", "estimated at about,about", "estimated at approximately,approximately", "estimated at around,around", "every now and then,every", "evolve over time,over time", "exact opposites,exact", "exact replica,exact", "exact same,exact", "exited from,from", "exposed opening,exposed", "extra bonus,extra", "extradite back,back", "face mask,face", "face up to,up to", "facilitate easier,easier", "fall down,down", "fall season,season", "false pretenses,false", "favorable approval,favorable", "feel inside,inside", "fellow classmates,fellow", "fellow colleague,fellow", "few in number,in number", "filled to capacity,to capacity", "final conclusion,final", "final end,final", "final outcome,final", "final ultimatum,final", "financial accounting,financial", "first and foremost,first and", "first began,first", "first conceived,first", "first of all,of all", "first started,first", "first time ever,ever", "fit enough,enough", "fly through the air,through the air", "focus in,in", "follow after,after", "for free,for", "foreign imports,foreign", "forever and ever,and ever", "former graduate,former", "former veteran,former", "forward planning,forward", "free gift,free", "free gifts,free", "free pass,free", "from whence,from", "frozen ice,frozen", "frozen tundra,frozen", "full satisfaction,full", "full to capacity,to capacity", "fuse together,together", "future plans,future", "future recurrence,future", "gather together,together", "gather up,up", "general public,general", "general consensus,general", "get up on his feet,on his feet", "get up on your feet,on your feet", "glowing ember,glowing", "grow in size,in size", "had done previously,previously", "hard facts,hard", "harmful injuries,harmful", "have got,got", "has got,got", "he himself,himself", "head honcho,head", "heat up,up", "high noon,high", "high time,high", "highly relevant,highly", "hoist up,up", "hollow tube,hollow", "honest truth,honest", "hot water heater,hot", "hurry up,up", "illustrated drawing,illustrated", "in actual fact,actual", "in order to,in order", "in which we live in,in", "incredible to believe,to believe", "indicted on a charge,on a charge", "indicted on a charge of,on a charge", "inner core,inner", "inner feelings,inner", "innovative new,new", "input into,into", "integral part of,integral", "integrate together,together", "integrate with each other,with each other", "interconnected,inter", "interdependent on each other,on each other", "introduced a new,new", "introduced for the first time,for the first time", "inward,ward", "inward into,inward", "irregardless,ir", "join together,together", "joint collaboration,joint", "just recently,just", "kneel down,down", "knowledgeable experts,knowledgeable", "knots per hour,per hour", "lag behind,behind", "last of all,of all", "later time,time", "left behind,behind", "leftward,ward", "lift up,up", "linger on,on", "little baby,little", "live studio audience,live", "live witness,live", "local residents,local", "look ahead to the future,ahead", "lose out on,out on", "made out of,out", "main focus,main", "major breakthrough,major", "major feat,major", "manually by hand,by hand", "many different,different", "mass media,mass", "may possibly,possibly", "meet together,together", "meet up,up", "meet with each other,with each other", "mental telepathy,mental", "merge together,together", "merged together,together", "meshed together,together", "midway between,between", "might possibly,possibly", "migraine headache,headache", "minestrone soup,soup", "miss out on,out on", "mix together,together", "moment in time,in time", "money-saving coupon,money-saving", "mutual cooperation,mutual", "mutual respect for each other,for each other", "mutually dependent on each other,on each other", "mutually interdependent,mutually", "nape of her neck,of her neck", "native habitat,native", "natural instinct,natural", "naturally instinct,naturally", "necessary requirements,necessary", "never at any time,at any time", "never before,before", "new beginning,new", "new bride,new", "new construction,new", "new innovation,new", "new innovative,new", "new invention,new", "new record,new", "new recruit,new", "none at all,at all", "nostalgia for the past,for the past", "now currently,now", "now pending,now", "null and void,null and", "number of different,different", "off in the distance,off", "old adage,old", "old cliche,old", "old custom,old", "old pioneer,old", "old proverb,old", "one and the same,one and", "onto,to, on", "onward,ward", "open trench,open", "open up,up", "or alternatively,alternatively", "oral conversation,oral", "orbits around,around", "originally created,originally", "originally discovered,originally", "output out of,out of", "outside in the yard,outside", "outside of,of", "outward,ward", "over and done with,over and, with", "over and over again,again", "over exaggerate,over", "over top,top", "over top of,top of", "over with,with", "overused cliche,overused", "pair of twins,pair of", "palm of the hand,of the hand", "passing fad,passing", "past experience,past", "past history,past", "past memories,past", "past records,past", "peace and quiet,peace and", "penetrate into,into", "penetrate through,through", "per usual,per", "perfect ideal,perfect", "period of time,of time", "personal belongings,personal", "personal charm,personal", "personal friend,personal", "personal friendship,personal", "personal opinion,personal", "pick and choose,and choose", "pitch black,pitch", "pizza pie,pie", "plan ahead,ahead", "plan in advance,in advance", "please RSVP,please", "plunge down,down", "point in time,in time", "polar opposites,polar", "positive identification,positive", "postpone until later,until later", "pouring down rain,down", "precise same,precise", "present incumbent,present", "present time,time", "previously listed above,above", "private industry,private", "probed into,into", "proceed ahead,ahead", "proposed plan,proposed", "protest against,against", "protrude out,out", "pursue after,after", "put off until later,until later", "raise up,up", "random chance,random", "rate of speed,rate of", "re-elect for another term,for another term", "really unique,really", "reason is because,because", "reason why,why", "recur again,again", "refer back,back", "reflect back,back", "regular routine,regular", "repeat again,again", "reply back,back", "retreat back,back", "revert back,back", "right now,right", "right over,right", "rightward,ward", "rise up,up", "rough rule of thumb,rough", "round circle,round", "round in shape,in shape", "rustic country,country", "safe haven,safe", "safe sanctuary,safe", "same exact,exact", "same identical,same", "sand dune,sand", "scrutinize in detail,in detail", "secret that cannot be told,that cannot be told", "seek out,out", "seek to find,to find", "separated apart from each other,apart from each other", "serious danger,serious", "share together,together", "sharp point,sharp", "shiny in appearance,in appearance", "short summary,short", "shut down,down", "single unit,single", "sink down,down", "situated in,situated", "skipped over,over", "slow speed,speed", "small size,size", "small speck,small", "so as to,so as", "so therefore,therefore", "soaked to the skin,to the skin", "soda pop,pop", "soft in texture,in texture", "soft to the touch,to the touch", "sole of the foot,of the foot", "some time to come,to come", "somewhat unique,somewhat", "specific details,specific", "spell out in detail,in detail", "spiked upward,upward", "spiked upwards,upwards", "spliced together,together", "spring season,season", "stacked together,together", "start off,off", "start out,out", "start out,out", "still lingers,still", "still persists,still", "still remains,still", "subject matter,matter", "sudden impulse,sudden", "sufficient enough,enough", "sum total,sum", "summer season,the, season", "surrounded on all sides,on all sides", "swoop down,down", "talking out loud,out loud", "tall in height,in height", "tall in stature,in stature", "tear apart,apart", "temper tantrum,temper", "temporary reprieve,temporary", "ten in number,in number", "teriyaki barbecue,barbecue", "therapeutic treatment,therapeutic", "these ones,ones", "they themselves,themselves", "thorough investigation,thorough", "those ones,ones", "three a.m. in the morning,in the morning", "three-way love triangle,three-way", "time clock,time", "time period,time", "tiny bit,tiny", "to ask a question,a question", "to ask for assistance,for assistance", "to ask for help,for help", "together at the same time,at the same time", "total destruction,total", "totally destroy,totally", "totally unique,totally", "true facts,true", "truly sincere,truly", "tuna fish,fish", "twelve midnight,twelve", "twelve noon,twelve", "two equal halves,two equal", "ultimate goal,ultimate", "unconfirmed rumor,unconfirmed", "undeniable truth,truth", "undergraduate student,student", "underground subway,underground", "unexpected emergency,unexpected", "unexpected surprise,unexpected", "unintentional mistake,mistake", "universal panacea,universal", "unnamed anonymous,unnamed", "unsolved mystery,unsolved", "up on top,up, top", "up on top of,up, top of", "upward,ward", "usual custom,usual", "vacillate back and forth,back and forth", "veiled ambush,veiled", "very pregnant,very", "very unique,very", "visible to the eye,to the eye", "wall mural,wall", "warm up,up", "warn in advance,in advance", "we ourselves,ourselves", "weather conditions,conditions", "weather situation,situation", "whether or not,or not", "white snow,white", "why come,come", "winter season,season", "write down,down", "written down,down", "yakitori chicken,chicken", "yerba mate tea,tea"]

alexyorke commented 8 years ago

Closing since #376 seems to have fixed it.