amphp / parallel

An advanced parallelization library for PHP, enabling efficient multitasking, optimizing resource use, and application responsiveness through multiple CPU threads.
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Continue tasks after exception. #144

Closed Ghostff closed 2 years ago

Ghostff commented 2 years ago

Just wondering if this was the intended behavior or ... , So when I enqueue two method and one of them throws an exception, it kills all the enqueued task that haven't been executed yet.

class Foo{
    public function a () {
        throw new \Exception('sdd');

    public function b () {
        sleep(10); // when this is removed, file is created.
        touch(__DIR__ . '/b');
$foo = new Foo();

$promises = [
    pool()->enqueue(new CallableTask([$foo, 'a'], [])),
    pool()->enqueue(new CallableTask([$foo, 'b'], [])),

$responses = \Amp\Promise\wait(\Amp\Promise\all($promises));

Is there a way to make sure that, all they tasks are executed without wrapping the method implementation in a try catch block?

hustlahusky commented 2 years ago

Hello. Try \Amp\Promise\any instead of \Amp\Promise\all. Like this:

[$exceptions, $responses] = yield \Amp\Promise\any($promises);
Ghostff commented 2 years ago
[$exceptions, $responses] = yield \Amp\Promise\any($promises);

with any, touch(__DIR__ . '/b'); is not evald when the exception in a() is removed.

hustlahusky commented 2 years ago

I've just checked your example and it works as intended with and without exception in Foo::a().

The script:



namespace App;

use Amp\Parallel\Worker;
use function Amp\call;
use function Amp\Promise\any;
use function Amp\Promise\wait;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Worker\factory(new Worker\BootstrapWorkerFactory(__FILE__));

class Foo
    public function a(): void
        //throw new \RuntimeException('error');

    public function b(): string
        \touch(__DIR__ . '/b');
        return 'foobar';

if (\defined('AMP_WORKER')) {

[$exceptions, $values] = wait(call(static function () {
    $foo = new Foo();

    return any([
        Worker\pool()->enqueue(new Worker\CallableTask([$foo, 'a'], [])),
        Worker\pool()->enqueue(new Worker\CallableTask([$foo, 'b'], [])),


Script output with exception:

warp@6bddf6229a2c:~$ php -f ._script.php 
string(169) "Uncaught RuntimeException in worker with message "error" and code "0"; use Amp\Parallel\Worker\TaskFailureException::getOriginalTrace() for the stack trace in the worker"
string(6) "foobar"
warp@6bddf6229a2c:~$ ls -la b
-rw-r--r--    1 warp     warp             0 Jun  4 09:46 b

Script output without exception:

warp@6bddf6229a2c:~$ php -f ._script.php 

Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/warp/._script.php on line 44
string(6) "foobar"
warp@6bddf6229a2c:~$ ls -la b
-rw-r--r--    1 warp     warp             0 Jun  4 09:47 b

File was deleted between the runs, and as you can see timestamps are different.