Closed medy36 closed 4 months ago
How is the CLI process being stopped? Is it being killed? I find it odd that the destructor is not being run.
@trowski In Symfony framework, i am using Messenger component to run Async jobs, so the consumer is running on background (managed by Supervisor), each time a message is consumed, the script does the tasks (i am testing with your example below)
public function __invoke(RefreshTokenMessage $message): JsonResponse
$this->logger->info('Start RefreshTokenMessage handler ...');
try {
// Initialize worker pool
$workerFactory = new ContextWorkerFactory();
$pool = new ContextWorkerPool(32, $workerFactory);
$executions = [];
$urls = ['', ''];
foreach ($urls as $url) {
$executions[$url] = submit(new FetchTask($url));
$responses = \Amp\Future\await(array_map(
fn (Execution $e) => $e->getFuture(),
foreach ($responses as $url => $response) {
\printf("Read %d bytes from %s\n", \strlen($response), $url);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$this->logger->error('An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage());
} finally {
// Manually trigger garbage collection
if (\gc_enabled()) {
$this->logger->info('Running garbage collection...');
$this->logger->info('Calling close on worker pool...');
$this->logger->info('Finished RefreshTokenMessage handler');
return new JsonResponse('', Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);
see that i was trying to trigger the destructor by any way. i have placed some Logs in LocalIpcHub
at __destruct
, unlink() and close(), none of them is triggered, the cleaning does not happen.
@trowski here is a comparaison of CLI working and the one using a CRON , messenger async job for example:
This is an example running the script from CLI:
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Amp\Future;
use Amp\Parallel\Worker;
use function Amp\async;
$urls = [
$executions = [];
foreach ($urls as $url) {
// FetchTask is just an example, you'll have to implement
// the Task interface for your task.
$executions[$url] = Worker\submit(new \App\Messenger\MessageHandler\FetchTask($url));
// Each submission returns an Execution instance to allow two-way
// communication with a task. Here we're only interested in the
// task result, so we use the Future from Execution::getFuture()
$responses = Future\await(array_map(
fn (Worker\Execution $e) => $e->getFuture(),
foreach ($responses as $url => $response) {
\printf("Read %d bytes from %s\n", \strlen($response), $url);
===> excution with debug log showing create/delete the amp-ipc-...socket OK
root@27e3ce21767c:/app/var# php amphp-test.php
Create tmp file at /tmp/amp-parallel-ipc-87569c0c057448d2ea6b.sock
Read 81030 bytes from
Read 244818 bytes from
Read 44552 bytes from
=============> DESTRUCT Context worker pool
Calling destructor for /tmp/amp-parallel-ipc-87569c0c057448d2ea6b.sock
excution with debug log showing create LOG the amp-ipc-...socket OK
but delete log KO ( not reached)
php bin/console mess:cons refresh-login -vv
[OK] Consuming messages from transport "refresh-login".
// The worker will automatically exit once it has received a stop signal via the messenger:stop-workers command.
// Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.
14:22:12 INFO [messenger] Received message App\Messenger\Message\RefreshTokenMessage ["class" => "App\Messenger\Message\RefreshTokenMessage"] ["pid" => 3285]
14:22:12 INFO [app] Start RefreshTokenMessage handler ... ["pid" => 3285]
Create tmp file at /tmp/amp-parallel-ipc-8072cedbdeb59ec668f6.sock
Read 81030 bytes from
Read 244844 bytes from
14:22:13 INFO [app] Running garbage collection... ["pid" => 3285]
14:22:13 INFO [app] Calling close on worker pool... ["pid" => 3285]
14:22:13 INFO [app] Finished RefreshTokenMessage handler ["pid" => 3285]
14:22:13 INFO [messenger] Message App\Messenger\Message\RefreshTokenMessage handled by App\Messenger\MessageHandler\RefreshTokenHandler::__invoke ["class" => "App\Messenger\Message\RefreshTokenMessage","handler" => "App\Messenger\MessageHandler\RefreshTokenHandler::__invoke"] ["pid" => 3285]
14:22:13 INFO [php] User Deprecated: Since symfony/doctrine-bridge 6.3: Registering "Gedmo\Timestampable\TimestampableListener" as a Doctrine subscriber is deprecated. Register it as a listener instead, using e.g. the #[AsDoctrineListener] attribute. ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["pid" => 3285]
14:22:13 INFO [messenger] App\Messenger\Message\RefreshTokenMessage was handled successfully (acknowledging to transport). ["class" => "App\Messenger\Message\RefreshTokenMessage"] ["pid" => 3285]
So after stopping the Symfony worker, the socket file still remains?
YES, When i stop the symfony worker, the socket are still remain.
I am still unable to trigger the destruct() when using the Symfony worker.
The worker should stay running to handle incoming messages queued. each Message is doing some parallel stuff. once in a while i restart the Symfony worker via the supervisor for other performances.
The messages are received via an endpoint and pushed to the worker:
public function process($data, Operation $operation, array $uriVariables = [], array $context = []): JsonResponse
$this->logger->info('Auth Refresh event');
// triggers the "RefreshTokenHandler"
$this->bus->dispatch(new RefreshTokenMessage($data));
return new JsonResponse('', Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);
I'm not familiar with the Symfony Messenger component. It seems the process is being killed or is not allowing all destructors to run before shutting down for some reason.
It is unnecessary and unwise to be initializing a new worker pool and trying to shut it down in each handler. Simply use the global worker pool within the handler using Amp\Parallel\Worker\submit()
I was using the global pool, but since i am facing this problem i was trying to trigger the shutdown manually.
Since you're setting the global pool instance, shutting down the pool will not trigger destructor of LocalIpcHub
because there is still a reference to it in the pool instance, which is stored in a global static. This static instance will not be released until shutdown. For some reason, the process created by Symfony is not allowing that destructor to be executed.
Since this seems to be an issue outside of Amp, I'm closing this issue. Please reopen this issue or create a new one if you're able to discover why the destructor is not being run and the issue is in this library.
Ok Thanks.
I will try to find out the reason to not reaching the destructor.
Maybe opening an issue in Symfony side.
Hi team,
I would like to reopen the issue regarding the zombie .sock files not being correctly deleted when using amphp/parallel.
BUG: ONE .socket file left after the clean, ONLY 1 is LEFT!
Background: I am running parallel tasks using amphp/parallel in two different environments:
CLI (via a cron job)
After a recent update to the amphp/parallel library, I noticed an improvement where the .sock files were correctly deleted in the web version. However, the CLI version still leaves 1 .sock files in the /tmp folder for every execution, which eventually leads to issues (memory issue, ...etc).
Steps to Reproduce:
Run parallel tasks using amphp/parallel in a web environment.
Observe that .sock files are deleted correctly.
Run the same parallel tasks in a CLI environment (e.g., via a cron job).
Observe that .sock files are created and then deleted except ONE socket. It's only ONE .socket left in /tmp/ for evey execution.
I suspect that the issue might be related to the way "LocalIpcHub" handles cleanup operations.