Closed thecyrilcril closed 2 years ago
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\wamp64\www\etradexchange-api\vendor\amphp\websocket\src\Rfc6455Client.php on line 274
use Amp\Delayed; use Amp\Websocket; use Amp\Websocket\Client; class SomeService implements \App\Interfaces\SomeInterface { private $connection; private $transaction; public $error_message; public $user_message; protected static $instance = null; public static function run($transaction) { if ( is_null ( self::$instance ) ) { self::$instance = new self($transaction); } return self::$instance; } public function __construct($transaction) { $this->transaction = $transaction; } public function authorize(callable $callback, $must_authorize = true) { Amp\Loop::run(function () use($callback, $must_authorize) { try { $connection = yield Client\connect(config('~.url') . '?app_id=' . config('~.app_id')); if ($must_authorize) { $connection->send(json_encode([ 'authorize' => config('~.btc.token') ])); } while ($message = yield $connection->receive()) { call_user_func($callback, $connection); $payload = yield $message->buffer(); $response = json_decode($payload, false); if (isset($response->error)) { $connection->close(); throw new \App\Exceptions\SomeException($response->error->message); break; } ... if ($response->msg_type === 'exchange_rates') { $amount = $response->exchange_rates->rate * $this->transaction->transactable->amount_in_usd; call_user_func($this->transfer($amount), $connection); // culprit call that causes the error } if ($response->msg_type === 'paymentagent_transfer') { $connection->close(); dd(response); } } } catch(Amp\Websocket\Client\ConnectionException $exception) { $error_json = yield $exception->getResponse()->getBody()->buffer(); $error_object = json_decode($error_json, false); throw new \App\Exceptions\SomeException($error_object->error); } }); } public function transfer() { return $this->authorize(function($connection) use($amount){ $connection->send(json_encode([ 'transfer' => 1, 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => '', 'transfer_to' => $this->transaction->account_id, 'description' => '', ])); }, true); } public function getResult() { $temp = $this->user_message; $this->user_message = null; return $temp . "\r\n"; } public function getExchangeRates() { return $this->authorize(function($connection) { $connection->send(json_encode([ 'exchange_rates' => 1, 'base_currency' => 'USD', ])); }); } } $t = Transaction::with('transactable')->find(7); $h = SomeService::run($t); $h->getExchangeRates(); echo $h->getResult();