amphp / websocket-server

WebSocket component for PHP based on the Amp HTTP server.
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Compression broken in 3.0 #24

Closed bennnjamin closed 8 months ago

bennnjamin commented 11 months ago

I am opening this issue now and will update as I dig into it further but so far I am not able to use compression at all since the 3.0 release. For now, disabling it has fixed the issue.

The way I'm enabling compression is like this:

$websocket = new Websocket(
    new Rfc6455Acceptor(),
    new Rfc6455ClientFactory(
        new Rfc7692CompressionFactory(),
        new PeriodicHeartbeatQueue(),
        null //disable rate limiting

Sending the header Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits. from the client results in no extensions header response from the server. Just

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols.
connection: upgrade.
upgrade: websocket.
sec-websocket-accept: 6rnHuC9ZEBsJy6Cn5SHQyIGuzLE=.

I'm pretty sure the issue is caused by the introduction ofRfc6455Acceptor. Rfc6455ClientFactory sets the header and in testing, I can verify that code is executing and setting the header on client creation however the actual HTTP Response does not have the header in it.

trowski commented 11 months ago

Potential fix:

The compression context factory will also need to be passed to the acceptor.

bennnjamin commented 11 months ago

That fixes it, but there still seems to be an issue depending on the header sent by the client.


Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate.

Not working:

Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits.

The difference in HTTP response is the presence of the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header in the former case.

trowski commented 11 months ago

What is the header sent by the server in the case which isn't working?

bennnjamin commented 11 months ago

Full response below:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols.
connection: upgrade.
upgrade: websocket.
sec-websocket-accept: y6cI8Vt16BtUOS53g14ZIVb6oeE=.
trowski commented 11 months ago

Ah, that's because the client_max_window_bits is requiring a value in Rfc7692Compression::fromHeader(), but it seems that value is optional. This will need fixing in the factory.

bennnjamin commented 11 months ago

I can reopen the issue there if you like. It seems the issue affecting this package is fixed in

trowski commented 11 months ago

Sure, it will remind me to take care of it.

FYI, after discussing this issue a bit with @kelunik we are considering deprecating the compression factory parameter to the client factory and not supporting compression with 3.0 and releasing a 4.0 with an interface which combines WebsocketAcceptor and WebsocketClientFactory.

bennnjamin commented 11 months ago

What would it take to help keep compression working for now? Refactoring interfaces is fine but I am getting some pretty big bandwidth savings on compression of JSON messages > 80KB and most of my clients are mobile on unreliable networks so minimizing bandwidth is important.

trowski commented 11 months ago

You can keep compression working for now by creating a WebsocketAcceptor class like Rfc6455Acceptor in the branch. Pass the same compression context to the acceptor and the client factory.

trowski commented 10 months ago

@bennnjamin I just tagged v4.0.0-beta.1 which refactors how compression is supported. The WebsocketCompressionContextFactory instance should be passed to the Websocket constructor instead of the client factory constructor.

Please give this new version a try and provide any feedback you may have. Thank you!

bennnjamin commented 10 months ago

Thanks I will take a look when I get a chance.

trowski commented 8 months ago

Tagged 4.0.0 with fixed compression support.