amplication / amplication

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feat(server): add support for marketplace integration #8690

Closed overbit closed 1 week ago

overbit commented 1 week ago


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nx-cloud[bot] commented 1 week ago

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CI is running/has finished running commands for commit da9f4d3684ee6b11c412fd4e6df91065c09e485e. As they complete they will appear below. Click to see the status, the terminal output, and the build insights.

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✅ Successfully ran 2 targets - [`nx e2e data-service-generator --prod`]( - [`nx e2e amplication-server --prod`](

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Steve254961 commented 1 week ago

I have a project for a simple data management web application . The key features of the app are user registration and login, and real-time data updates.

Key Features:

Data Management: The web application will primarily manage customer information. This includes storing, retrieving, and updating customer data in real time.

Ideal Skills: