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UAT - MAGE for running #141

Open gerardwebb opened 3 years ago

gerardwebb commented 3 years ago

scripting Or mage

Let use mage to be safe !

  1. magefile per project at
    • because the template BUILD fine, but at project level we need some scripting to RUN.

2 scenarios:

suggest we try to use ENV variable so that the same mage script can run locally or on the server.

  1. run locally

    • makefile so that org-y ( machine generated can be run locally ).
  2. tag and deploy org-y

    • preconditions:
    • ssh keys to server
    • transfer booty
    • from server, run booty
    • booty pulls the tagged binaries ( yeah )
    • locally, get config ( encrypted ). Presumes you encrypted it locally beforehand and pushed to github.
    • ssh config across to server
    • caddy, add virtual host ? for example. manually configure that. Caddy gets the Certs, so main does not ( hence why it a config setting ? ).
    • email and DNS changes ?
    • systemd ( or any supervisor ) is managed by booty. For now do it manually.
    • then bootstrap it with data.
      • from laptop, use CLI to bootstrap server.