amplify-edge / sys

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model #88

Closed joe-getcouragenow closed 3 years ago

joe-getcouragenow commented 3 years ago

anyways the modules we will develop once v2 is out the door are:

  1. video conf and chat

  2. unified drive that holds files and is a DB itself onto the system. that will make it much more extensible than the exisiting google drive, and get things setup for devs to develop on top of the system. The db views are just like a basic db admin view you would see in firebase etc. The system is already multi-tenant, but the encryption is not YET, but easy to add.

  3. backup and restore between Orgs. this means that you dont need a google storage account. You backup to anyone elses "desktop". because its all encrypted you can. The system then is self running without need for a cloud.

  4. some other ideas.

Point 2 we already have. we just have not finish the gui for it. The CLi already does this.

point 3 already works also via the cli. we just need a gui

  1. We need to standup the Reverse Proxy gateway, and o the auth there. Thats easy because we already have all this working. We just need to split out the code so the reverse proxy is global.

then the PM side is related to them having one aspect of this functionality and selling it. I already have setup a multi channel system to help that.

that will bring in money because a % of those users will want to pay to use the system if they get the extra functionality like proper backup and restore or mult org functionality.

this is why i told you guys ages age to use the open core model, and for some of hte advanced functionality to be closed source. So we can get some money to keep the thing going.