amplify-education / python-hcl2

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Support python hcl2 object to hcl2 text #23

Open jordiclariana opened 4 years ago

jordiclariana commented 4 years ago

Is there any plan to support going backwards (from dict to hcl2)? Something like this:

import hcl2
with(open("", 'r')) as file:
    dict = hcl2.load(file)
# Now dict holds a python representation of the file

hcl2_text = hcl2.dumps(dict)
# Now hcl2_text holds same content as original file
danieladams456 commented 4 years ago

I think the terraform json syntax is preferred for machine generated code. That would be much easier to implement than going back to HCL2.

vikas027 commented 4 years ago

hey @danieladams456 , that is true but it is still a good idea to have the option to convert the dict back to hcl2. In my use case, I am not converting all my tf files to json just one or two of those.

ChristophShyper commented 4 years ago

It would be great to have possibility to write HCL back to a file. Imagine one wants to parse something during CI/CD phase and commit it back to GitHub after, while still having neat HCL code. Not a nasty JSON :)

antonbabenko commented 4 years ago

+1 for having this feature. It would be great to have this feature as you say, but from what I see here:

The comments are simply ignored, so we can't really combine an updated file from the dict object.

The only solution which can do correct manipulation is the official Go library - .

Please correct me if I am wrong and you know another solution (preferably in Python).

tr-fernandocunha commented 2 years ago


In my case, I want to dynamically update a tfvars file and create a PR using a custom bot.

thereforsunrise commented 7 months ago

ChatGPT brought me here. It keeps suggesting I use hcldumps to convert the json back to HCL - no doubt because of this thread. :D

swarner1033 commented 2 months ago

This is my current work around

kvendingoldo commented 1 month ago

any news here? :)

cah-david-schaffner commented 1 month ago

any news here?