amplifying-fsharp / ConfOpportunities

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Joined forces for a F# column in print press (e.g. German "dotnet pro" magazine) #4

Open SchlenkR opened 8 months ago

SchlenkR commented 8 months ago

This is not a conf opportunity, but an idea for writing F# articles in popular print press magazines.

There is a quite popular one in Germany - - with a relatively large circulation and reach. I can imagine that a continuous series of F# articles can strengthen the community in Germany and attract potential new users of the language and encourage them to use it. As an individual, I have a hard time doing that alongside my OSS involvement. Together it looks quite different: It is definitely possible to deliver absolute high quality articles if you take turns, coordinate and support each other.

I am open to this and if there is interest, I would suggest a Zoom meeting to discuss this.