amplitude / Amplitude-Flutter

Official Amplitude Flutter SDK
MIT License
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Flutter macOS Support #46

Open nilsreichardt opened 3 years ago

nilsreichardt commented 3 years ago


Hi! Our Flutter app Sharezone is available as an Android, iOS, Web and macOS app. We would love to see macOS support ❤️

jvelezos commented 3 years ago

+1, Same for us at Superlist. I promise I'll take a look and see if this is something I can help with.

kineticac commented 2 years ago

Any updates on macOS support?

haoliu-amp commented 2 years ago

Hello all! We will definitely consider to add it in 2022. Will let you know. Thanks for your patience!

jpv123 commented 2 years ago

@haoliu-amp Any ETA on this? It's a pain to send analytics from macOS since the only workaround is through a server side solution which looses to much data

jdde commented 2 years ago

+1 same for us at unping we would love to see it in desktop mode <3

jimpanse1337 commented 2 years ago

+1 also for Wunder Mobility

bk-one commented 2 years ago

+1 from Superlist, it's actually a deal breaker if it's not available (same for Windows and Linux).

Jethro87 commented 1 year ago

+1, this makes it really difficult to truly adopt Amplitude as an analytics solution.

jdde commented 1 year ago

By the way, we've integrated it in our macOS application, integrated a pure flutter solution. If you want to partner up, just ping me on linkedIn👍

jointhejourney commented 11 months ago

Hey everyone, our app Journey Navigation is available for both iOS and MacOS and we wanted to use Amplitude for both platforms. Since Amplitude-iOS supports MacOS, we went ahead and updated the plugin to use a shared darwin source for this package, and it works great!

See for more details.

If you want to give it a try before it is merged, you can add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

      ref: macos-support
apaolino commented 1 month ago

is there any news about macOS support?