amplitude / redux-query

A library for managing network state in Redux
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Sorting and pagination #44

Closed simenbrekken closed 7 years ago

simenbrekken commented 7 years ago

I've been experimenting replacing our own in-house redux data fetching implementation with redux-query. Fetching single entities or lists of those seem trivial, however I haven't been able to move beyond that so I was hoping you could answer a few questions regarding sorting and pagination.

Let's take a simple real-world example: You're fetching a list of orders from a REST API with three parameters: sortBy, limit and skip.

const OrdersContainer = connectRequest(({ sortBy = 'id', limit = 10, skip = 0}) => ({
    url: `/api/orders?sortBy=${sortBy}&limit=${limit}&skip=${skip}`,
    queryKey: `orders-sortBy:${sortBy}-limit:${limit + skip}`,
    update: {
        ordersById: (prevOrders, orders) => ({

In the current version the queries reducer doesn't expose which entities the query resulted in, so I'm unable to know how many orders I've fetched using a given queryKey. Is there another way of doing this?

RohovDmytro commented 7 years ago

@simenbrekken I'm not sure, but if I tell you that you have access to sortBy, limit and skip values in your ordersById function, will it help? Or event better — use them in transform function.

ryanashcraft commented 7 years ago

@simenbrekken I'm a bit confused why you need to know how many orders you've fetched for a given queryKey. Can you explain at a higher level what the problem is? Is it just trying to get pagination working?

As @rogovdm suggested, typically we'd somehow reference the limit/skip/sortBy parameters in the update functions. I'd expect there to be some order ID array in your entities that is the source of truth for the ordering.

Also FWIW I rarely ever explicitly set the queryKey. Only time I've done it is to avoid possibly expensive serialization when there's large request bodies (typically for mutations or non-GET requests).

simenbrekken commented 7 years ago

@ryanashcraft @rogovdm I need to know how many entities have been fetched for a given query key to calculate how many items I need to fetch for the next page.

const OrdersContainer = connectRequest(({ sortBy = 'id', limit = 10, skip = 0}) => {
  const queryKey = `orders-sortBy:${sortBy}-limit:${limit + skip}`
  const available = state.queries[queryKey].result.length // I need this to calculate limit and skip

  return {
    url: `/api/orders?sortBy=${sortBy}&limit=${limit - available}&skip=${available}`,
simenbrekken commented 7 years ago

Arguably I should have spent some more time on this before I posted my question, but nevertheless here's my solution.

What this does:

I've left out a few chunks for brevity.

const ListOrders = ({ orders, limit, fetchMore }) => {
  return (
      {orders && (
            { => (
              <li key={}>#{} - {order.items.length} item(s)</li>

      <button type="button" onClick={fetchMore}>Load more</button>

const Order = new schema.Entity('orders')

const getKey = JSON.stringify
const getOrdersByParams = ({ entities = {}, results = {} }, params) => {
  const resultKey = getKey(params)
  const orders = entities.orders
  const result = results[resultKey] || []

  return => orders[id])

export default compose(
  connect((state, { sortBy }) => ({
    orders: getOrdersByParams(state.entities, { sortBy }),

  connectRequest(({ sortBy, orders, limit }) => {
    const available = orders ? orders.length : 0

    return {
      url: `/orders?sortBy=${sortBy}&limit=${limit - available}&skip=${available}`,
      queryKey: getKey({ url: '/orders', sortBy, limit }), // A limit: 10, skip: 10 is the same as a limit: 20, skip: 0

      transform: data => {
        const { entities, result } = normalize(data, [Order])
        const resultKey = getKey({ sortBy }) // Combine results that share parameters

        return {
          results: {
            [resultKey]: result,

      update: {
        entities: (prev, next) => merge({}, prev, next), // Poor man's entity management, won't remove entities that aren't present in next
        results: (prev = {}, next) => (
          Object.entries(next).reduce((result, [key, value]) => ({
            [key]: [...(prev[key] || []), ...value], // This problably needs to take limit and skip into account
          }), {})

Hope this helps someone else.