ampreeT / SourceCoop

Black Mesa cooperative plugin for SourceMod
GNU General Public License v3.0
174 stars 13 forks source link

Xen (and later) issues #4

Open ampreeT opened 3 years ago

ampreeT commented 3 years ago
Balimbanana commented 2 years ago

May need to store pActivator for misc_marionettist I tested a lot of properties on both player and misc_marionettist and it doesn't appear to have any info on the entity it is manipulating. I have seen it on occasion players can die flying through a vent and they are infinitely pulled to the next target even after respawning multiple times, the only fixes are to: remove the entity manually, fully re-join, or changelevel.

With the activator stored, there could be a check for if they have died, then remove the corresponding misc_marionettist.

Alienmario commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I've fixed it by storing a misc_marionettist per player.

gamefb commented 1 year ago

Any update on the suit chart and gluon gun crystals?

silelmot commented 8 months ago

i wrote a quick source plugin to have crystals work through detection of the entity near you. no sound or graphic effects. if smbd wants to add them i would be glad. files are here:

Kerbalmann commented 2 months ago

so is this still being worked on or is this no longer a high priority. it's a big issue on the official server because the second half of interloper is really broken without them, making some sections like the accent at the end very hard.

Alienmario commented 2 months ago

so is this still being worked on or is this no longer a high priority. it's a big issue on the official server because the second half of interloper is really broken without them, making some sections like the accent at the end very hard.

Not actively, believe it or not but there is a backlog of more serious issues. I'm not as active as previous years and current amount of dev contributors is next to none. I asked the BM devs to look into this issue, but wouldn't expect it being fixed.

Also with It being multiplayer you already have some hefty advantages by default.

Kerbalmann commented 2 months ago

that makes sense. some of the crash issues are very important to deal with.