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Wrong Translation #28

Closed makkila closed 5 years ago

makkila commented 5 years ago

The translation of the hadith here says "the bartering of gold for silver is riba", but the arabic actually talks about trading gold for gold and silver for silver.

abumq commented 5 years ago

@makkila I have cross-checked with darussalaam publications and the translation matches that which is obviously more reliable.

I have also added a cross-reference to the PDF version on hadith page

Saheeh al-Bukhari, Darussalaam Publications, Vol. 3, Page 198

makkila commented 5 years ago

Sorry maybe I'm looking in the wrong place but page 198 of the PDF also says gold for gold?

abumq commented 5 years ago

Jazaak Allahu khayran, i should have read the issue properly, I have fixed it :) Ma'salaam