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"instead of"-class examples #113

Open timjogorman opened 10 years ago

timjogorman commented 10 years ago

I figured I would open up this "instead of" connective as a new topic.

Questions being:

The Korea Herald stated that when evaluators were conducting their first-stage reports the ministry ordered them to give each bidder grades within a range of 60 to 100 points instead of 0 to 100 points.

(s / state-01
      :ARG0 (n / newspaper :name (n2 / name :op1 "Korea" :op2 "Herald"))
      :ARG1 (o / order-01
            :ARG0 (m / ministry)
            :ARG1 (p / person
                  :ARG0-of (e / evaluate-01))
            :ARG2 (g2 / give-01
                  :ARG0 p
                  :ARG1 (g3 / grade-01
                        :ARG0 p
                        :ARG1 c
                        :ARG1-of (r / range-01
                              :ARG3 (p2 / point :quant 60)
                              :ARG4 (p3 / point :quant 100)
                              :prep-instead-of (r2 / range-01
                                    :ARG3 (p4 / point :quant 0)
                                    :ARG4 p3)))
                  :ARG2 (c / company
                        :quant (e2 / each)
                        :ARG0-of (b / bid-01)))
            :time (c2 / conduct-01
                  :ARG0 p
                  :ARG1 (t / thing
                        :mod (f / first-stage)
                        :poss p
                        :ARG1-of (r3 / report-01)))))

tim's suggestion (please add alternatives in the comments):
(s / state-01
      :ARG0 (n / newspaper :name (n2 / name :op1 "Korea" :op2 "Herald"))
      :ARG1 (o / order-01
            :ARG0 (m / ministry)
            :ARG1 (p / person
                  :ARG0-of (e / evaluate-01))
            :ARG2 (r4 / replace-alternative-91
                  :ARG1 (g2 / give-01
                        :ARG0 p
                        :ARG1 (g3 / grade-01
                              :ARG0 p
                              :ARG1 c
                              :ARG1-of (r / range-01
                                    :ARG3 (p2 / point :quant 0)
                                    :ARG4 (p3 / point :quant 100)))
                        :ARG2 (c / company
                              :quant (e2 / each)
                              :ARG0-of (b / bid-01)))
                  :ARG2 (g / give-01
                        :ARG0 p
                        :ARG1 (g4 / grade-01
                              :ARG0 p
                              :ARG1 c
                              :ARG1-of (r5 / range-01
                                    :ARG3 (p5 / point :quant 60)
                                    :ARG4 p3))
                        :ARG2 c))
            :time (c2 / conduct-01
                  :ARG0 p
                  :ARG1 (t / thing
                        :mod (f / first-stage)
                        :poss p
                        :ARG1-of (r3 / report-01)))))
Example 2

Farmers have been asked to grow seven kinds of alternative crops across 21,969 acres (8,891 hectares) of land instead of opium.

(a4 / ask-02
      :ARG1 (g / grow-03
            :ARG0 p
            :ARG1 (c / crop
                  :mod (a5 / alternative)
                  :mod (k / kind :quant 7))
            :location (a6 / across
                  :op1 (l / land
                        :op1 (a / area-quantity :quant 21969
                              :unit (a2 / acre))
                        :op2 (a3 / area-quantity :quant 8891
                              :unit (h / hectare))))
            :prep-instead-of (o / opium))
      :ARG2 (p / person
            :ARG0-of (f / farm-01)))

tim's suggestion (please add alternatives in the comments):
(a4 / ask-02
      :ARG1 (r / replace-alternative-91
            :ARG1 (g2 / grow-03
                  :ARG0 p
                  :ARG1 (o / opium)
                  :location a6)
            :ARG2 (g / grow-03
                  :ARG0 p
                  :ARG1 (c / crop
                        :mod (a5 / alternative)
                        :mod (k / kind :quant 7))
                  :location (a6 / across
                        :op1 (l / land
                              :op1 (a / area-quantity :quant 21969
                                    :unit (a2 / acre))
                              :op2 (a3 / area-quantity :quant 8891
                                    :unit (h / hectare))))))
      :ARG2 (p / person
            :ARG0-of (f / farm-01)))
Example 3

Russian government should not modernize the old missile defense system but build new missile defense technologies instead.

(r / recommend-01
      :ARG1 (c2 / contrast-01
            :ARG1 (m / modernize-01 :polarity -
                  :ARG0 g
                  :ARG1 (s / system
                        :mod (o / old)
                        :ARG0-of (d / defend-01
                              :ARG2 (m2 / missile))))
            :ARG2 (b / build-01
                  :ARG0 g
                  :ARG1 (t / technology
                        :ARG0-of (d2 / defend-01
                              :ARG2 m2)
                        :mod (n2 / new))
                  :mod (i / instead)))
      :ARG2 (g / government-organization
            :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01
                  :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia"
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))))
Tim suggestion (please add alternatives in the comments):
(r / recommend-01
      :ARG1 (r2 / replace-alternative-91
            :ARG1 (m / modernize-01
                  :ARG0 g
                  :ARG1 (s / system
                        :mod (o / old)
                        :ARG0-of (d / defend-01
                              :ARG2 (m2 / missile))))
            :ARG2 (b / build-01
                  :ARG0 g
                  :ARG1 (t / technology
                        :ARG0-of (d2 / defend-01
                              :ARG2 m2)
                        :mod (n2 / new))))
      :ARG2 (g / government-organization
            :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01
                  :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))))
Example 4

20080710 the image was replaced with an image of the same 3 missiles in the previous photo but in place of the 4th missile is a grounded missile and what appears to be a vehicle nearby.

(r / replace-01
      :ARG1 (i / image)
      :ARG2 (i2 / image
            :mod (m / missile :quant 3
                  :mod (s / same)
                  :prep-in (p / photo
                        :mod (p2 / previous))))
      :time (d / date-entity :day 10 :month 7 :year 2008)
      :concession (r2 / replace-01
            :ARG1 (m2 / missile
                  :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 4))
            :ARG2 (a / and
                  :op1 (m3 / missile
                        :ARG1-of (g / ground-01))
                  :op2 (v / vehicle
                        :ARG1-of (a2 / appear-02)
                        :location (n / nearby)))))
Example 5

All netizens and media are welcome to look into this matter. Let's see whether it will ultimately be "power over law" or "law over power" for the officials in General Secretary Hu's hometown when dealing with matters concerning a big developer! ...

(m / multi-sentence
      :snt1 (w / welcome-01
            :ARG1 (a / and
                  :op1 (n2 / netizen)
                  :op2 (m2 / media)
                  :quant (a2 / all))
            :ARG2 (l / look-00
                  :ARG0 a
                  :ARG1 (m3 / matter
                        :mod (t / this))))
      :snt2 (s / see-01 :mode imperative
            :ARG0 (w2 / we)
            :ARG1 (o / or :mode interrogative
                  :op1 (p / power
                        :prep-instead-of (l2 / law))
                  :op2 (l3 / law
                        :prep-instead-of (p2 / power))
                  :beneficiary (p3 / person
                        :location (h / hometown
                              :poss (p4 / person :name (n / name :op1 "Hu")
                                    :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91
                                          :ARG2 (g / general-secretary))))
                        :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91
                              :ARG2 (o4 / official)))
                  :time (d / deal-01
                        :ARG0 p3
                        :ARG1 (m4 / matter
                              :ARG0-of (c / concern-02
                                    :ARG1 (p5 / person
                                          :ARG0-of (d2 / develop-02
                                                :mod (b / big))))))
                  :mod (u / ultimate))))
Example 6

Consequently, we come to realize that the academic laurels for "the success rates of predictions of impending earthquakes that have already reached almost 40%" are just conditions and capital used to apply for funding, evaluate professional titles and seek remuneration, rather than a hard rationale used to reduce bloodshed and deaths.

(c / cause-01
      :ARG1 (c5 / come-04
            :ARG1 (w / we)
            :ARG2 (r / realize-01
                  :ARG0 w
                  :ARG1 (a / and
                        :op1 (c2 / condition)
                        :op2 (c3 / capital
                              :ARG1-of (u2 / use-01
                                    :ARG2 (a2 / and
                                          :op1 (a3 / apply-01
                                                :ARG1 (f / fund-01))
                                          :op2 (e / evaluate-01
                                                :ARG1 (t2 / title
                                                      :mod (p3 / professional)))
                                          :op3 (s / seek-01
                                                :ARG1 (r6 / remunerate-01)))))
                        :domain (l / laurel
                              :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01
                                    :ARG0 (r4 / rate
                                          :ARG0-of (r5 / reach-01
                                                :ARG1 (a5 / almost
                                                      :op1 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 40))
                                                :time (a7 / already))
                                          :mod (s2 / succeed-01
                                                :ARG1 (p / predict-01
                                                      :ARG1 (e2 / earthquake
                                                            :ARG1-of (i / impend-01))))))
                              :mod (a4 / academia))
                        :prep-instead-of (r2 / rationale
                              :ARG1-of (u / use-01
                                    :ARG2 (r3 / reduce-01
                                          :ARG1 (a6 / and
                                                :op1 (s3 / shed-03
                                                      :ARG1 (b / blood))
                                                :op2 (d / die-01))))
                              :mod (h / hard)
                              :domain l)
                        :mod (j / just))))) 
tim's suggestion
(c / cause-01
      :ARG1 (c5 / come-04
            :ARG1 (w / we)
            :ARG2 (r / realize-01
                  :ARG0 w
                  :ARG1 (r7 / replace-alternative-91
                        :ARG1 (h2 / have-purpose-91
                              :ARG1 (l / laurel
                                    :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01
                                          :ARG0 (r4 / rate
                                                :ARG0-of (r5 / reach-01
                                                      :ARG1 (a5 / almost
                                                            :op1 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 40))
                                                      :time (a7 / already))
                                                :mod (s2 / succeed-01
                                                      :ARG1 (p / predict-01
                                                            :ARG1 (e2 / earthquake
                                                                  :ARG1-of (i / impend-01))))))
                                    :mod (a4 / academia))
                              :ARG2 (r2 / rationale
                                    :ARG1-of (u / use-01
                                          :ARG2 (r3 / reduce-01
                                                :ARG1 (a6 / and
                                                      :op1 (s3 / shed-03
                                                            :ARG1 (b / blood))
                                                      :op2 (d / die-01))))
                                    :mod (h / hard)
                                    :domain l))
                        :ARG2 (h3 / have-purpose-91
                              :ARG1 l
                              :ARG2 (a / and
                                    :op1 (c2 / condition)
                                    :op2 (c3 / capital
                                          :ARG1-of (u2 / use-01
                                                :ARG2 (a2 / and
                                                      :op1 (a3 / apply-01
                                                            :ARG1 (f / fund-01))
                                                      :op2 (e / evaluate-01
                                                            :ARG1 (t2 / title
                                                                  :mod (p3 / professional)))
                                                      :op3 (s / seek-01
                                                            :ARG1 (r6 / remunerate-01)))))
                                    :mod (j / just)))))))
uhermjakob commented 10 years ago

My interpretation of Example 4 above:

20080710 the image was replaced with an image of the same 3 missiles in the previous photo 
but in place of the 4th missile is a grounded missile and what appears to be a vehicle nearby.

(r / replace-01
  :ARG1 (i / image
          :topic (a / and
                   :op1 (m / missile :quant 3)
                   :op2 (m2 / missile :quant 1))
          :mod (p / photo))
  :ARG2 (i2 / image
           :topic (a2 / and
                    :op1 m
                    :op2 (a4 / and
                            :op1 (m3 / missile
                                   :ARG1-of (g / ground-01))
                            :op2 (v / vehicle
                                   :location (n / near
                                               :op1 m3)
                                   :ARG1-of (a3 / appear-02))
                            :ARG1-of (i3 / instead-of-91
                                       :ARG2 m2))))
  :time (d / date-entity :day 10 :month 7 :year 2008))