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Void frames: happen-01, occur-01, take-14 ("take place") #119

Open uhermjakob opened 10 years ago

uhermjakob commented 10 years ago

Some AMRs still contain void frames. Generally they should be eliminated:

The killing took place yesterday.
(k / kill-01
  :time (y / yesterday)

However, there are a number of tricky cases, without an obvious concrete verb frame that could be promoted to be the semantic head:

Option 1: use standard NE type event

Something weird took place in the park. = There was a weird event in the park.
(e / event
  :mod (w / weird)
  :location (p / park))

What happened in Japan? = What event was there in Japan?
(e / event
  :mod (a / amr-unknown)
  :location (c / country
              :name (n / name
                      :op1 "Japan")))

If this happens again, I will resign. = If there is this event again, I will resign.
(r / resign-01
  :ARG0 (i / i)
  :condition (e / event
               :mod (t / this)
               :mod (a / again)))     

Other ideas floated at the AMR phone meeting: * Use a new frame event-91. (What would its core arguments be, if any?) * Use happen-01, occur-01, take-14 in these cases.

So if you have an idea how to better annotate these sentences, please share some concrete AMR annotations for these (and possibly other) sentences.

kevincrawfordknight commented 10 years ago

if we go with this, we'd think of "event" as analogous to "thing" in proposal = (t / thing :arg1-of (p / propose-01))

uhermjakob commented 10 years ago

if we go with this, we'd think of "event" as analogous to "thing" in proposal = (t / thing :arg1-of (p / propose-01))

Yes, exactly, well said.

AMR 1: (event :mod amr-unknown :location Japan) AMR 2: (amr-unknown :location Japan)

I think that AMR 1 above captures "What happened in Japan" whereas AMR 2 could also mean "What kind of things (physical objects, tourist attractions) are there in Japan."