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Treatment of exceptions #122

Open nschneid opened 10 years ago

nschneid commented 10 years ago

(Related to #112 and #116)

From a release search, it appears that exceptions marked by "except", "besides", "apart from", etc. are usually annotated as except-00. E.g. in cjconsensus:

The armies of India and Pakistan have avoided direct contacts except for annual discussions on unresolved disputes.

(a / avoid-01
      :ARG0 (a2 / and
            :op1 (a5 / army
                  :poss (c / country :wiki "India"
                        :name (n / name :op1 "India")))
            :op2 (a6 / army
                  :poss (c2 / country :wiki "Pakistan"
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Pakistan"))))
      :ARG1 (c3 / contact-01
            :manner (d / direct))
      :ARG2-of (e / except-00
            :ARG1 (d4 / discuss-01
                  :ARG1 (d3 / dispute-01
                        :ARG1-of (r / resolve-01 :polarity -))
                  :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91
                        :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                              :unit (y / year))))))

(There are also some instances of :prep-except.) Is except-00 a long-term solution? (It's not documented in the AMR dictionary.) Or should we create a role :except and except-91?

nschneid commented 10 years ago

I don't know if this matters, but in some sense these exceptions seem like an opposite of what we would treat as :example. Examples are selected members of a set (perhaps arbitrarily chosen); exceptions are non-members of a set (sometimes exhaustive).