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Mockups of Unified Frames #123

Open timjogorman opened 9 years ago

timjogorman commented 9 years ago

Hi all! We've put together some examples of how we imagine unified frames showing up in the editor, using the roleset renaming idea we talked about in the last call. I've put AMR-style frames together here., and also have more detailed, propbank-style frames with examples of each frame.

We have two points for discussion with these. One is the question of whether, when "critical" is typed into the editor and clicked on, we show all related frames, or just the "critical" frames. The other is the idea (shown in the mock-ups file) of putting "blacken" and "black" as separate rolesets, with separate names, in the same "framefile" (this is going to have to happen anyways for alternations like dry/dry).

uhermjakob commented 9 years ago

Thanks, Tim. This is super helpful.

I have added an option 3 called "Selected rolesets" to your AMR mockups doc

From a workflow perspective this would mean that

Even in the current set-up, there already is a script of mine that maps UColorado xml frame files into ISI html frame files. Currently this mapping is mostly 1-to-1, but there are a few cases where it is 2-to-1, e.g. for free-v.xml + free-j.xml → free.html.

timjogorman commented 9 years ago

Thanks Ulf!

Your "option 3" is very similar to what I was trying to say with "option 2". The difference is that we'd prefer access to all rolesets (as already came up with "criticism.04", there can be exceptions to aliasing), even if they are hidden when the annotator initially opens it up. If an annotator runs into your example of "critical acclaim", we'd like them to be able to get to "criticism.04", either by having it in the list (option 1) or by having some way to see other frames, once they don't see what they want in critical.02 or critical.03 (option 2).

I presume from a workflow perspective this might involve either having a button (like the current "more" button we use for examples) with additional frames, or just having a link to a fourth frame file, like "criticize_all.html", generated when you make the individual frames. Does that make sense?

uhermjakob commented 9 years ago

Good point, Tim. So let's present all rolesets. Agreed to at AMR phone meeting on 10/27/2014.

As a refinement, we can order the rolesets depending on what the annotator types in.

Example: If annotator types in "critical", it will be underlined in blue; frame will list critical-02, critical-03, criticize-01, criticism-04 (in that order). If annotator types in "criticize" then criticize-01 will be shown first. Similarly for black/blacken.

This would mean that the UColorado xml file (e.g. criticize.xml) would still map to multiple AMR HTML frames (e.g. criticize.html, critical.html, criticism.html). All html files would include all rolesets, but typically in different order.