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"To me..." introductions #13

Closed cbonial closed 11 years ago

cbonial commented 11 years ago

I have a couple of cases where "to you, ...." and "to me, ..." are used (e.g. "To you , I shall be unique in all the world ... "). I have left these as :prep-to you/me for lack of a better option. Did anyone else come up with something better for these?

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

Could we paraphrase these sentences as "In my opinion ..." or "In your opinion ..." and then use opine-01?

This would be in analogy to using say-01 for vocative constructions as described in .

nschneid commented 11 years ago

I ultimately decided on perceive-01, which is nice because it has separate roles for the viewer, the perceived thing, and the predication.

kevincrawfordknight commented 11 years ago

Let's use opine-01, since it only has two arguments instead of three.

To you, I am only an engineer.

(o / opine-01
  :arg0 y
  :arg1 (e / engineer
          :domain i
          :mod only))

(consider "To me, he is delaying progress.")