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Concepts linked by different roles in both directions (e.g. for "long-range") #153

Open uhermjakob opened 9 years ago

uhermjakob commented 9 years ago

Issue: For a phrase such as long-range, both concepts now have roles for each other:

Thanks, Kira, for raising this super interesting issue.

I agree with you to try to avoid creating cycles, at least for the upcoming release and until further discussion with the larger AMR group. So I support your solution:

(r / range-01
  :ARG2 (l / long-03)))

More generally, when two concepts have roles for each other, events would take precedence over objects, which in turn would take precedence over properties (such as long-03).

Alternative for long-range missile with cycle:

(m / missile
  :ARG1-of (r / range-01
             :ARG2 (l / long-03
                     :ARG1 r)))

But let's revisit this at one of the next AMR meetings, both for its theoretical and pragmatic implications.

On the other hand, annotators have been adding "long-03 :ARG1 ..." in cases where it appears reasonable and does not lead to cycles as in:

"The meeting lasted very long."

(l / last-01
  :ARG1 (m / meet-03)
  :ARG2 (l2 / long-03
           :ARG1 m
           :degree (v / very)))