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:prep-for review #203

Open NickChapman opened 7 years ago

NickChapman commented 7 years ago

In looking at usages of prep-for there is quite the variety of usages. Certain usages are readily resolved into existing AMR structures. Other usages potentially warrant new frames or require some discussion about how to best resolve them.

In the following summary of usages, the numbers next to examples correspond to their entry number here.

"Easy" cases


The following usages of prep-for can be resolved using the existing :purpose modifier.

(2) "space for another name" --> (s / space :purpose ...) (4) "join for an evening of..." --> (e / evening :purpose ...) (10) "need a degree for the career" --> (d / degree :purpose career) (12) "X is for the sake of Y" is equivalent to "X for the purpose of Y" --> drop "sake", use (x :purpose ...) (16) "thinking for the better of the country" --> (think-01 :purpose (b / better-01 ...)) (24) "sell the boat for scrap" --> (s / sell-01 :purpose scrap)


The next recurring use case of prep-for was to indicate the pseudo-degree of something. These cases can be resolved using the future have-degree-91

(5) "too wide for my wrist" (7) "not classy enough for Tom Brady" (11) "hairy arms for a girl"


Though not incredibly common, prep-for was sometimes used in instances where :cost is appropriate.

(17) "£4 for a packet of butter" --> (p / packet :cost ...) (25) "for very little cost" --> :cost "very little"


It was only encountered once in the 25 examples that were looked at, but all instances of "standing up for something" should use stand-up-07 instead of prep-for

(15) "standing up for s.t." --> stand-up-07

"Hard" Cases / Follow-up discussion needed

The usages of prep-for that could not be resolved into existing AMR structures are unfortunately quite fragmented in their usages. There weren't really broad categories of undefined behavior, but rather many different usages that don't fit nicely into any existing patterns (at least at first glance).

Difficult case 1: The first of these usages was

(1) "high point for the year"

In this instance "for" is used to clarify what the "high point" is relative to. A new modifier such as :scope could be used to deal with cases of "X for the Y" where Y helps to clarify X's extent. In this case it would be something like (p / point :mod high :scope (y / year)). What's difficult about this situation is that "high point for the year" can be resolved by doing (p / point :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :ARG2 (y / year))). If the sentence was "low point for the year" there is a similar frame for low (though not low-02), but if the sentence was "middle point for the year" there is no middle frame. Thus even though we can resolve this specific usage of prep-for by relying on the high-02 frame it's unclear if that's something that should be encouraged and expanded upon, or if a more general case needs to be created.

Difficult case 2:

(3) "good place for a company to expand"

In this instance it is unclear how to make sense of the for/to combination. Is this a place that is good, and good for the purpose of expanding where the expander is a company? If that's the case then perhaps this is another instance of :purpose, but that seems complicated. It would be something like (p / place :ARG1-of (g / good-02 :purpose (e / expand-01 ...))). The issue with this resolution is that then in the arguments of expand there is the thing that is driving the expansion and the thing that is being expanded. Is the company then the argument of both?

Difficult case 3:

(4) "For starters,"

Usages of "for" to indicate discourse are complicated and fall more into the category of multi sentence AMRs. Perhaps these cases could be resolved by some kind of :discourse modifier?

Difficult case 4:

(6) "None of that crap for me" (22) "Hooray for X"

In these cases it seems that :beneficiary might be the answer, except that in terms of generating annotations :beneficiary is a poor modifier name. In the first example "me" is not a beneficiary of "crap". Perhaps a :affectee modifier could be useful for annotators as it's a more general modifier than beneficiary. benefit-01 could perhaps also be used but in the first case it would need polarity - and this seems unintuitive.

Difficult case 5:

(8) "exacerbate the problems for Greece and other countries" (9) "a biggie for most families"

In the first example one would expect that there is some kind of problem frame considering that there is an issue frame, however nothing of the sort exists. One could potentially consider using issue but then you're straying from the actual wording. In the second example, we recognize that "a biggie for most families" could be "a big problem for most families". However, in this instance, replacing "a biggie" with "a big problem" strays dangerously far from the actual sentence's wording. Additionally, a "biggie" could also be resolved as a "big deal" for which there already exists the frame deal-03 :mod big. In both cases there is the possibility that we could resolve these sentences using the previously mentioned :beneficiary/:affectee modifier. The first sentence could have (p / problem :affectee (a / and ":op1 (g / greece /* ignoring country roles */) :op2 "other countries")) and then the second sentence could have (d / deal-03 :mod big :affectee "most families")

Aside: In the second case here we see that "biggie for X" could be paraphrased as "important for/to X". There isn't presently a frame for important, but should there be?

Difficult case 6:

(21) "there is no such thing as collateral damage for Western powers"

In this sentence the meaning is "as far as western powers are concerned there is no such thing as collateral damage". One might want to again propose the usage of :affectee on collateral damage with something like :polarity - but in this case we're not saying that western powers aren't affected by collateral damage so much as they don't consider themselves to cause it or experience it.

Difficult case 7:

(19) "this is the case for Labor voters"

In this instance it is really the usage of "case" that is confusing. There is nothing regarding "be the case", however the frame true-01 suggests that it might be useful in this situation. The question here is whether all instances of "that's the case"/"is the case" need some special way of dealing with them. Generally they suggest that something is or is not reality so perhaps using true-01 with :polarity is the best way to go about dealing with these.

Difficult case 8:

(13) "[this is just a phase] for me" (18) "As for 'English people', ..."

In both of these cases the usage of "for" is to indicate the topic of conversation. A :topic modifier could be helpful in addressing these cases. :topic could likewise help to deal with "when it comes to" and "as it pertains to" sentences.

Difficult case 9:

(14) "up for it"

This potentially warrants a frame, but if a new frame were to be created how would "down for X" be dealt with? Is that a separate frame or do the two of them go together?

Difficult case 10:

(20) "That's Russia for you"

This is simply an idiom and a larger discussion of how to deal with idioms is warranted.

Difficult case 11:

(23) "recipe for pork"

Surprisingly recipe does not have a frame, but it seems that it should. One might say that you could get away with using :purpose for recipes but then when dealing with "recipe for disaster" it seems silly to say that the purpose of the recipe is disaster.