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:prep-in review #205

Open esmanning opened 7 years ago

esmanning commented 7 years ago

This analysis is based on the first 35 search results for :prep-in. (I looked over more than that to get an idea of the patterns that occur frequently, but didn't have the time to quantify/categorize a larger sample.)


3 (9%) of the examples in the sample express circumstances/situations in which an event could occur, with phrases like:

These could be covered with a new non-core role, :circumstance (I was surprised this role didn't already exist). They could also be treated as a type of :condition, similar to the guideline for "in case of".


Around 8 (23%) of cases could be seen as referring to a topic/area in which something is true or occurs. Examples include:

This is a tricky category to define but I think these could be treated as a type of :domain. In the case of [34], I would suggest abstracting away from the 'in terms of" phrase in favor of:

(p / positive :domain (p2 / propagate-01 :ARG1 (s / species)))


At least 2 (6%) could use the existing :subevent-of role:


3 (9%) of cases express the same specific meaning:

These warrant a frame like hold-interest-in.

Multi-word expressions

Specific phrases that could either be given specific hyphenated concepts or standard paraphrases include:

These 6 examples collectively make up 17% of the sample.

Miscellaneous easier cases


Miscellaneous harder cases
