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Review on annotation task: MWP #212

Open timjogorman opened 7 years ago

timjogorman commented 7 years ago

Hi all! I wanted to post a review/update on the MWP retrofits, since phase 3 is starting up. We completed the frames for these and sent them to Ulf in February (but since AMR has been on hold, I presume Ulf hasn't had time to incorporate these into the AMR inventory yet.) I've listed the rolesets (roughly 100) below.

Based on our checks while preparing the rolesets, there are probably 2-3 instances per MWP sense on average, and most seem pretty easy to search for. There are a few existing "grab bag" rolesets such as "cut-03: various idiomatic usages" which we could hopefully entirely retrofit into new, meaningful MWP rolesets. Colorado's suggestion was that instead of having each site do these retrofits, we could just have one person to the retrofits -- probably Julia (@jbonn), who developed many of these rolesets and should be able to do the retrofits quickly.

Does anyone have any objections or concerns about this?

Best, Tim

take_into_account.04: consider  (aliases: take_into_account)
in_advance.04: ahead of time    (aliases: in_advance)
in_effect.06: in an active state, a state where a certain effect holds  (aliases: in_effect)
of_age.04: be at level of full maturity, or maturity sufficient for an activity (aliases: of_age)
leave_alone.02: stop bothering  (aliases: leaving_alone, leave_alone)
draw_attention.03: act in a manner that causes others to pay attention  (aliases: drawing_attention, draw_attention)
bark_up_wrong_tree.02: follow the wrong lead    (aliases: bark_up_wrong_tree)
bite_dust.02: die, fall out of competition  (aliases: bite_dust)
bite_bullet.03: decide to do something difficult to get it over with    (aliases: bite_bullet)
come_to_blows.15: fight (aliases: come_to_blows)
mind_ones_business.02: avoid meddling in another's affairs  (aliases: mind_ones_business, mind_business, mind_own_business)
cut_to_chase.16: get to the point   (aliases: cut_to_chase)
cut_corners.17: do a less than thorough job, take shortcuts (aliases: cut_corners)
cut_and_dry.18: straightforward, candid (aliases: cut_and_dry)
cut_it.19: measure up   (aliases: cut_mustard, cut_it)
cut_cheese.20: flatulate    (aliases: cut_cheese)
cut_slack.21: give some leeway to   (aliases: cut_slack)
cut_fine_figure.22: project a beautiful image; look attractive  (aliases: cut_fine_figure)
cut_rug.23: dance   (aliases: cut_rug)
cut_and_run.24: to hurry off promptly, abandon effort, flee (aliases: cut_bait_and_run, cut_anchor_and_run, cut_bait, cut_anchor, cut_and_run)
fish_or_cut_bait.25: make a decision to act or give up  (aliases: fish_or_cut_bait)
drag_feet.03: procrastinate, be very slow in doing  (aliases: drag_feet)
keep_eye_out.02: be alert for a yet-unseen thing    (aliases: keep_eye_open, keep_eyes_peeled, keep_eye_out)
open_eyes.03: cause to know (aliases: open_eyes)
eye_on_ball.04: be ready and attentive; keeping track of an issue   (aliases: have_eye_on_ball, eye_on_ball)
lose_face.04: lose social status, be humiliated (aliases: lose_face)
save_face.05: prevent a humiation or loss of status (aliases: save_face)
on_fire.08: aflame  (aliases: on_fire)
follow_suit.06: do the same thing, imitate  (aliases: follow_suit)
in_force.05: be in effect, enforceable  (aliases: in_force, into_force)
take_for_granted.02: assume something as given, fail to appreciate something    (aliases: take_for_granted, take_as_granted)
come_to_grips.03: acclimate, adjust to an idea; come to terms with  (aliases: come_to_grips)
in_ones_hands.04: be in possession of   (aliases: in_hands, have_hands, have_in_hand)
in_ones_hands.07: have responsibility or control over a task or event   (aliases: in_hands)
get_hands_on.05: become in possession of    (aliases: get_hands, into_hands)
change_hands.06: transfer possession    (aliases: change_hands)
out_of_hands.08: not in possession of   (aliases: out_of_hands)
out_of_hands.09: not in control of, not tasked with (aliases: out_of_hands)
out_of_hand.10: uncontrolled, wild  (aliases: out_of_hand)
out_of_hand.11: without thinking or consideration   (aliases: out_of_hand)
blood_on_hands.12: be culpable for the death or injuries of another (aliases: blood_on_hands)
play_into_ones_hands.13: unwittingly contribute to and fall for one's manipulations (aliases: play_into_hands)
take_to_heart.02: take seriously and internalize    (aliases: take_to_heart)
hit_nail_on_head.08: say a thing that seems very or precisely correct   (aliases: hit_nail_on_head)
get_hold.17: achieve communication contact  (aliases: get_hold, get_ahold)
get_hold.18: achieve grasping, acquisition  (aliases: get_a_hold, get_hold, take_hold)
jump_on_bandwagon.09: join an activity or group because of its popularity   (aliases: jump_on_bandwagon)
jump_gun.10: act before the proper time (aliases: jump_gun)
jump_shark.11: do an absurd act that signals the decline in quality or sanity of a system or show   (aliases: jump_shark)
keep_to_oneself.11: keep to oneself: isolate oneself    (aliases: keep_to_oneself)
keep_to_oneself.12: keep something to oneself: not spill the beans  (aliases: keep_to_oneself)
kick_bucket.05: die (aliases: kick_bucket)
get_kick.06: enjoy, be amused by    (aliases: get_kick, get_ones_kicks)
let_know.07: inform (aliases: let_know)
give_lie_to.12: refute, prove as false  (aliases: give_lie)
shed_light.10: inform, provide information regarding    (aliases: shed_light, cast_light)
make_light.11: minimize, not handle with appropriate seriousness    (aliases: make_light)
in_a_X_light.12: perceived in a certain way (aliases: in_light)
in_line.04: follow policies, be in accordance with something    (aliases: in_line)
out_of_line.05: be improper, or in a state of exceeding limits or expectations  (aliases: out_of_line)
draw_line.07: create an abstract boundary   (aliases: line_in_sand, draw_line_in_sand, draw_line)
toe_line.08: comply with regulations    (aliases: toe_line, hew_line)
read_between_lines.09: understand implicit information  (aliases: read_between_lines)
keep_in_mind.08: remember and consider  (aliases: keep_in_mind, bear_in_mind)
come_to_mind.09: spontaneously think of (aliases: pop_to_mind, spring_to_mind, come_to_mind, bring_to_mind)
of_one_mind.10: agreeing    (aliases: of_same_mind, of_one_mind)
of_two_minds.11: disagreeing    (aliases: of_two_minds)
make_up_mind.12: decide (aliases: make_up_mind, make_mind_up)
have_in_mind.13: intend, desire to  (aliases: have_mind, of_mind, have_in_mind)
over.01: finished, completed, no longer occuring    (aliases: over, over_with)
come_to_pass.23: occur, perhaps as foretold (aliases: come_to_pass)
in_place.02: set, enacted, established; ready   (aliases: in_place)
line_pocket.02: acquire money, often while doing a seemingly charitable act (aliases: line_pocket)
in_pocket.03: possess   (aliases: in_pocket)
out_of_pocket.04: to occur without reimbursement    (aliases: out_of_pocket)
out_of_pocket.05: unavailable, out of office    (aliases: out_of_pocket)
in_ones_pocket.06: under influence of due to financial control  (aliases: have_in_pocket, in_pocket)
point_finger.06: assign blame   (aliases: point_finger)
run_aground.25: to touch ground below the water, become stuck because of it (aliases: run_aground)
run_afoul.26: offend a person, break a set or rules or norms    (aliases: run_afoul)
have_good_run.28: to conclude an activity after many accomplishments    (aliases: have_good_run)
make_scene.01: hullabaloo, commotion, fuss  (aliases: create_scene, make_scene, cause_scene)
remain_to_be_seen.08: not yet be determined or known    (aliases: remain_to_be_seen)
go_to_sleep.07: transition into sleep   (aliases: go_to_sleep)
in_step.06: be in sync with (aliases: in_step)
take_with_grain_of_salt.36: doubt, attribute very little weight to a claim  (aliases: take_with_grain_of_salt)
in_trouble.02: suffering repercussions of misbehavior   (aliases: in_trouble)
in_trouble.03: in a dire, worrisome, potentially dangerous situation    (aliases: in_trouble)
take_effect.05: begin being in effect   (aliases: go_into_effect, take_effect, effect, come_into_effect)
aftermath.01: fallout from events   (aliases: aftermath, in_aftermath)
shed_blood.05: killing, violence    (aliases: shed_blood, bloodshed)
break_ground.28: begin the construction phase of a project  (aliases: groundbreaking, break_ground)
break_heart.31: cause to have overwhelming sorrow   (aliases: heartbroken, brokenhearted, heartbreak, break_heart)
clean_clock.05: beat up, defeat soundly (aliases: clock-cleaning, clean_clock)
have_eye_on.05: watch closely and possibly warily   (aliases: eye, have_got_eye, have_eye, have_eye_on)
on_ones_mind.07: be in one's general thoughts, contents of one's mental space   (aliases: on_ones_mind, mind, on_mind)
touch_base.08: establish communication with someone abt smth    (aliases: touching_base, touch_base)
step_back.07: pause an activity, perhaps to look at the big picture (aliases: step_back, take_step_back)
take_picture.02 (light verb): photograph (aliases: take_picture)
make_fun.04(light verb): make fun of (aliases: make_fun)
have_clue.01 (light verb): understand basic information regarding a subject (aliases: have_clue)
take_advantage.02 (light verb): use, overuse (aliases: take_advantage)

There are also a few rolesets that are normal predicates, but which we propose adding MWP aliases to. For example, "come out" is a normal roleset, and it makes sense to simply adde "come out of closet" as an additional alias.

cut.14: ditch class (aliases: cut, cut_class)
consequence.03: result  (aliases: consequence, in_consequence)
differ.01: disagree, argue  (aliases: differ, beg_to_differ)
love.01: object of affection    (aliases: love, in_love)
mind.05: opinion    (aliases: mind, of_mind)
pinch.04: be miserly; avoid spending money  (aliases: pinch, pinch_pennies)
run.16: nomlike-run-away    (aliases: run, on_run)
pass.20: die    (aliases: pass_away, passing, pass_over, pass_on, pass)
come_out.10: become publically gay (or publically announce some other attribute that was formerly kept secret)  (aliases: come_out_of_closet, come_out) 
nschneid commented 7 years ago

Typo: publically -> publicly

(I learned a new idiom: "cut a rug"!)

nschneid commented 7 years ago

A linguistic question: How was it determined which PPs to create frames for? Would all PP MWEs qualify (in principle)?

timjogorman commented 7 years ago

I think that in principle, all PP MWEs might qualify as long as they aren't compositional, aren't able to just be aliased to an existing verbal sense, and are predicative. In practice, we are just focusing on low-hanging fruit; common MWPs and MWPs where the current AMR treatments would be particularly shallow.