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Review of AMR Checker lists #27

Open uhermjakob opened 11 years ago

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

In order to support annotators in improving annotation consistency, the AMR Checker uses a number of lists, including some that I have built or augmented for AMR. Here's the primary such resource of lists:

You are invited to have a look at it and provide feedback.

Many of the entries were extracted from our growing corpus of AMRs. For my decisions (e.g. VERBALIZE vs. DO-NOT-VERBALIZE) I took into consideration of what LDC and other annotators have come up with. The list of 150 mappings from support verb constructions to AMR concepts also greatly benefitted a list that Claire kindly sent me.

Below are a few particular cases where I was not sure, as indicated by a comment-out (#) or a MAYBE- prefix. For each class of advice, I also include a few normal cases in order for you to get a quick sense of the class.

DO-NOT-VERBALIZE professor TO person :ARG0-of profess-01 DO-NOT-VERBALIZE white TO whiten-01

DO-NOT-VERBALIZE relationship TO relate-01

DO-NOT-VERBALIZE suspicious TO suspect-01

DO-NOT-VERBALIZE valuable TO value-01

DO-NOT-MAP international TO internation DO-NOT-MAP friendly TO friend

DO-NOT-MAP official TO officer

DO-NOT-MAP various TO variety

VERBALIZE afraid TO fear-01 VERBALIZE approval TO approve-01

VERBALIZE favorable TO favor-01

VERBALIZE hungry TO hunger-01

VERBALIZE scandalous TO scandalize-01

VERBALIZE speedy TO speed-01

VERBALIZE dinner TO dine-01

MAYBE-VERBALIZE terrorism TO terrorize-01

Why did we decide against a pianist being a piano player?

VERBALIZE drummer TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG1 drum

VERBALIZE pianist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG1 piano

VERBALIZE trumpeter TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG1 trumpet

DO-NOT-VERBALIZE chairman TO person :ARG0-of chair-01 DO-NOT-VERBALIZE editor TO person :ARG0-of edit-01 DO-NOT-VERBALIZE president TO person :ARG0-of preside-01

Not 100% sure about the following:

MAYBE-VERBALIZE commander TO person :ARG0-of command-02

Corpus usage: military commanders

MAYBE-VERBALIZE captor TO person :ARG0-of capture-01

Corpus usage: hostage taking, kidnapping

MAYBE-VERBALIZE container TO product :ARG0-of contain-01

Corpus usage: shipping containers, container cranes

MAYBE-VERBALIZE carrier TO ship :ARG0-of carry-01

Corpus usage: aircraft carrier

MAYBE-VERBALIZE contractor TO person :ARG0-of contract-02

Corpus usage: defense contractor, insurance contractor

MAYBE-VERBALIZE devotee TO person :ARG0-of devote-01

Corpus usage: Buddhism, charities

MAYBE-VERBALIZE terrorist TO person :ARG0-of terrorize-01

MAP Kirghizia TO Kyrgyzstan

MAP natural TO nature

MAP worthy TO worth

SPLIT moonlight TO light :source moon

SPLIT moonlight TO light-02 :ARG0 moon

mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

Hi Ulf,

Less urgent for the current delivery. A couple of questions:

  1. If we have other suggestions for the Checker lists, should we communicate by e-mail or list them under this issue? Some cases for mappings:
    • right to > entitle-01
    • "in return" > exchange-01
    • in accordance with > comply-01
    • is due to > suppose-02
    • (so) what if > supose-01
    • opposition > oppose-01
    • vision > envision-01
    • fraud > defraud-01

We also have some suggestions for types of issues that the Checker might help us spot and currently does not:

One such example is "suspicious" (the tool suggestion is to use "suspect-01" . If the annotator uses "suspect-01" the Checker will identify this as a word not annotated.) Should we collect these instances and report them?